Media Production Analysis Working Group

This Working Group provides a venue for researchers of media production in different genres, across different media, and in different professional and cultural contexts. It focuses on a variety of media technologies, organisational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes.

Co-Chair: Concha Edo (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) [contact]
Co-Chair: Pedro Jerónimo (University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal) [contact]

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Members of the Media Production Analysis working group are interested in production ethnography, changes in production practices resulting from technological, economic, political and policy changes, media labour and the economics of production, as well as studies of convergence across different media. Members of the group also study the challenges of digital media and how these impact media production. In addition, methodological challenges for studying media production have their specific attention.


Media research conference

IAMCR's Media Production Analysis Working Group is sponsoring the international conference Researching Media Companies Producing Audio-visual Content. It will be held at Lillehammer University College in Norway from 20-21 April 2017. The deadline to present proposals is Thursday 1 December 2016. Read more to see the complete CfP.

Advancing Media Production Research: IAMCR pre-conference

Initiated and Co-sponsored by IAMCR's Media Production Analysis Working Group, this IAMCR pre-conference / ICA post-conference is intended to address the issues raised in the process of researching within media, journalistic, and cultural organisations, primarily from the anthropological and sociological traditions of long-term exposure to production cultures through ethnographic observation or participant observation.

IAMCR 2013 - Media Production Analyses - Call for Papers

The Working Group for Media Production Analyses of the International Association for Media and Communication Research invites submissions for the 2013 IAMCR Congress in Dublin, Ireland from June 25 to 29, 2013.

This Working Group provides a venue for researchers of media production. The working group focuses on different professional roles and norms, technologies, organizational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes.

IAMCR 2012 - Media Production Analysis Working Group Call for Papers

erythrina_caffraThe Working Group for Media Production Analyses of the International Association for Media and Communication Research invites submissions for the 2012 IAMCR Congress in Durban, South Africa, from July 15 to 19, 2012.

This Working Group provides a venue for researchers of media production. The working group focuses on different professional norms, technologies, organizational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes.

Papers addressing the 2012 conference theme 'South-North Conversations' are most welcome. We also invite empirical studies of media production whether they are qualitative or quantitative in nature, whether they analyse fiction or non-fiction production or whether they analyse mass media, social media or personal media.


Istanbul 2011 - Media Production Analysis Working Group Call for Papers

istanbulThe Working Group for Media Production Analyses of the International Association for Media and Communication Research invites submissions for the IAMCR Congress in Istanbul Turkey, from July 13 to 17, 2011.

This Working Group provides a venue for researchers of media production. The working group focuses on different professional norms, technologies, organizational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes.

Braga 2010 - Media Production Analysis Working Group Call for Papers

braga_2010The Working Group for Media Production Analyses of the International Association for Media and Communication Research invites submissions for the IAMCR Congress in Braga, Portugal (July 18-22, 2008).

This Working Group provides a venue for researchers of media production. The working group focuses on different professional norms, technologies, organizational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes.

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