Media, Communication and Sport Section

The Media, Communication and Sport Section seeks to promote a range of scholarly perspectives on the study of media and sport, especially in the area of the relations between the media, sport and concepts of nationhood as well as identity, politics and the development of the sports industry.

Co-Chair: Peter English (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia) [Contact]
Co-Chair: Xavier Ramón (Pompeu Fabra University) [Contact]
Vice Chair: Veronika Macková (Charles University, Czech Republic) [Contact]

See the list of all current members of the Media, Communication and Sport Section

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IAMCR 2013 - Media and Sport Section - Call for Papers

altThe Media and Sport Section invites submissions for its program for the IAMCR annual conference to be held at the Dublin City University in Ireland from 25 to 29 June 2013.

All papers, from the full range of perspectives on the study of Media and Sport will be considered. Particularly welcome are contributions which bridge between the study of mediated sport and the conference’s theme “Crises, ‘Creative Destruction’ and the Global Power and Communication Orders”.

Istanbul 2011 - Media and Sport Section Call for Papers

istanbulThe Media and Sport Section invites submissions for its program for the 2011 IAMCR conference to be held in Istanbul, Turkey 2011 from July 13-17.

All papers, from the full range of perspectives on the study of Media and Sport will be considered. Particularly welcome are contributions which bridge between the study of mediated sport and the conference’s theme "Cities, Creativity, Connectivity".

Braga 2010 - Media and Sport Section Call for Papers

braga_2010The Media and Sport Section invites submissions for its program for the IAMCR conference to be held in Braga (Portugal), July 18-22 2010.

All papers, from the full range of perspectives on the study of Media and Sport will be considered. Particularly welcome are contributions which bridge between the study of mediated sport and the conference’s theme 'Communication and Citizenship: Rethinking Crisis and Change. Abstracts of 300-500 words, followed by the title, name, institutional address and email address of the author or authors (with no biographical notes or references) should be sent through the conference website by January 31st 2010.

Mexico 2009 - Media and Sport Section Call for Papers

The Media and Sport section invites proposals for papers to be presented at the 2009 International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, July 21-24, 2009.

All papers, from the full range of perspectives on the study of Media and Sport will be considered. Particularly welcome are contributions which bridge between the study of mediated sport and the conference's theme.

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