Cultural & Technological Images
ANIMUS - Revista Interamericana de Comunicação Midiática
v. 20, n. 43 (2021)
The Dossier Cultural & Technological Images presents ten texts by authors from ten different countries who discuss contemporary aspects that deal with images in their cultural environments and/or in their technological productions. Five texts are in English and five in Spanish. The ten texts, through cultural and technological images, develop some dialogs among them, with the COVID 19 pandemic and with the theme/subtheme of the 2021 IAMCR Conference: “Rethinking borders and boundaries: beyond the global/local dichotomy in Communication Studies”. The Dossier is a publication of VIC- Visual Culture WG.
On behalf of VIC, I thank the editors of ANIMUS, who are kindly publishing the Dossier in their relevant journal whose proposal is to promote research and production in the area of Communication accepting academic works in Portuguese, Spanish and English in themes belonging to journalism, publicity, cinema and audiovisual, as well as themes that develop interfaces with Communication.
Denize Araujo
Visual Culture WG Chair