Volume 10 Issue 1 of the Political Economy of Communication is now available.
The journal is indexed on Scopus. IAMCR colleagues that presented papers at IAMCR 2023 are encouraged to submit their work to the journal. Proposals to guest edit a special edition of the journal are also welcome. Contact the editors directly to discuss requirements.
The Political Economy of Communication, Volume 10 Number 1
Issue 10.1 includes the following articles:
Notes Towards a Materialist Understanding of Progressive Solidarity
James Compton
Use It or What? Spectrum Policy’s Empty Threat
Gregory Taylor
Royalty Collection Organizations: Private Interest Enterprises or Social Purpose Organisations?
Jim Rogers, Sergio Sparviero & Patrik Wikström
The issue also contains the following commentaries.
Transnational Media in a Digital Age
Lee Artz
The Microsoft/Activision Blizzard Merger
Randy Nichols
An American Mogul in London
Jennifer M. Proffitt, Nicholas Sellers, & Christopher J. Garcia;
Australian Media Policy Under Albanese’s Labor Party
Tim Dwyer