A Special Section on “Trends and Perspectives on Digital Platforms and Digital Television in Europe” has just been published in Volume 16 (2022) of the International Journal of Communication, an open-access online academic journal: https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc.
The special section includes articles by Robin Mansell & Edward Steinmueller; Maria Michalis; Natascha Just; Catalina Iordache, Tim Raats and Karen Donders; Anna Zoellner; Andrew Ó Baoill & Salvatore Scifo, and Celina Navarro and myself (also guest editor of the Special Section).
We hope that you enjoy the publication!
Karen Arriaza IbarraGuest editor of the Special Section and Chair of the International Communication Section
Table of contents of the special section
1. “Introduction” Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2. “Denaturalizing Digital Platforms: Is Mass Individualization Here to Stay?” Robin Mansell, London School of Economics and Political Science, & Edward Steinmueller, University of Sussex
3. “The Success of Spanish Series on Traditional Television and SVoD Platforms: From El Ministerio del Tiempo to La Casa de Papel” Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, & Celina Navarro Bosch, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
4. “Which is to be Master? Competition Law or Regulation in Platform Markets” Natascha Just, University of Zurich
5. “Public Service Broadcasting in the Online Television Environment: The Case for PSB VoD Players and the Role of Policy Focusing on the BBC iPlayer” Maria Michalis, University of Westminster
6. “The ‘Netflix Tax’: An Analysis of Investment Obligations for On-demand Audiovisual Services in the European Union” Catalina Iordache, Tim Raats & Karen Donders, Vrije University Brussel
7. “Fragility and Empowerment: Community Television in the Digital Era” Andrew Ó Baoill, National University of Galway (Ireland), & Salvatore Scifo, Bournemouth University
8. “Commissioning and Independent Television Production: Power, Risk, and Creativity” Anna Zoellner, University of Leeds
Access the complete volume, including the Special Section, at https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc.