In recent years the Communication Policy and Technology Secton (CPT) has offered a best paper award and last year we awarded a best paper award and an emerging scholar award.
For the IAMCR 2018 conference CPT is happy to announce a new partnership with the Internet Policy Review journal to award an additional best paper award to a paper which makes a significant contribution to internet policy.
The aim of this partnership is to promote internet policy research in the context of IAMCR and to open a new high-profile publication opportunity for IAMCR members.
Relevant papers will be invited to submit to the journal which will then go through the normal review process. Authors may of course still choose to submit their paper elsewhere if they so wish.
Internet Policy Review is an open access, interdisciplinary journal based in Europe and managed by researchers based in Germany, the Netherlands, France and the UK. CPT and IPR will also consider publishing a series of IAMCR 2018 papers if there are enough relevant papers.
Papers which are uploaded by 28 May 2018 are eligible to be considered for the best paper awards. The chairs, session chairs and discussants are involved in the decision. Winners will be announced on our website, in our newsletter and on our mailing lists.