Digital Governance and Transcultural Communications - An IAMCR 2022 pre-conference
For more information or to pre-register go the preconference page on the IAMCR2022 website
IAMCR's Public Service Media Policies Working Group invites participants to an IAMCR 2022 pre-conference, 'Digital Governance and Transcultural Communications' to be held online on Friday, 8 July 2022 09:00 - 17:00 China time (01:00 - 09:00 UTC).
Governance of digital and internet technologies involves a complex series of actions carried out in cross-territorial space by multiple stakeholders, transversing huge cultural, political, economic, and social differences. Alongside international internet governance bodies such as ICANN, new models for governance of digital communications platforms have emerged in recent years including the European Commission’s Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech and the Facebook Oversight Board. However, at the moment, there is an absence of a single international standard-setting body for digital communications or a unified framework for governing digital public goods. Competition and contests over issues like privacy, data colonialism, cybersecurity, and access to internet infrastructure have exacerbated trade, economic and political tensions, and have also significantly affected transborder and transcultural communication flows.
This one-day online pre-conference aims to explore policy and governance strategies emerging from the development and use of digital communications technologies and their impacts on transcultural communications, with a focus on the themes of neo-globalization, digitalisation, and platformisation.
The pre-conference will consist of a keynote speech and four panels, drawing on speakers from both inside and outside China, from developed and developing countries.
Registration and participation
The event is free and participation is open to all interested people. Pre-registration is required.
For registration information, go the preconference page on the IAMCR2022 website