We are pleased to announce that the Islam and Media Working Group will acknowledge distinctive contributions to the main themes of the working group by granting awards of USD 200 each to three outstanding papers submitted to IAMCR 2022 Online Conference Papers. The selected papers will enrich the research scope of the Islam and Media Working Group and match criteria that require compliance with five standards:
- Originality of the paper and relevance to Islam and media.
- Research methods and overall organisation.
- Language and writing style.
- Comprehensiveness and cohesiveness of the literature review.
- Conclusions and contribution to existing knowledge.
To qualify for the award, authors must submit an abstract responding to the working group's call for proposals by the 9 February 2022 deadline. If your abstract is accepted you will be invited to submit a full paper. All full papers submitted will be eligible to be selected for an award.
The award committee members are:
- Bushra Hameedur Rahman – Chair of ISM-WG
- Basyouni Hamada – ISM-WG senior member
- Abida Ashraf – Vice Chair of ISM-WG
- Fatma Elzahraa Elsayed – Vice Chair of ISM-WG