Volume 7, Number 1 of the Political Economy of Communication journal is now available online. The journal of IAMCR's Political Economy Section is free and open access. It showcases original research from established and emerging scholars and commentaries on contemporary media-related issues.
Political Economy of Communication journal Volume 7 Number 1
Wayne Hope & Peter Thompson
This volume includes:
Commercial-state empire: A political economy perspective on social surveillance in contemporary China
Kevin Ziyu Liu
How infomediation platforms took over the news: A longitudinal perspective
Nikos Smyrnaios, Franck Rebillard
Communications and the capitalocene: Disputed ecologies, contested economies, competing futures
Graham Murdock, Benedetta Brevini
Beware of geeks bearing gifts: Assessing the regulatory response to the Christchurch Call
Peter A. Thompson
Public broadcasting: The Latin American exception
Martín Becerra
Book review
Recovering journalism
Wayne Hope
JMAD Political Economy of Communication and Journalism Conference 2020
Wayne Hope