Volume 7, Number 2 of the Political Economy of Communication journal is now available online. The journal of IAMCR's Political Economy Section is free and open access. It showcases original research from established and emerging scholars and commentaries on contemporary media-related issues.
Political Economy of Communication journal Volume 7 Number 2
Wayne Hope
This volume includes:
The Algorithm made me do it! Technological Transformations of the Criminal Justice System
Oscar Gandy Jr.
Murder in the Consulate: The Khashoggi Affair and the Turkish-Saudi War of Narratives
Tarek Cherkaoui & Ravale Mohydin
Fifty Shades of Grey: Representations and Merchandising
Abigail Reed
Industrial Organization of Online Video on Demand Platforms in North America: Between Diversity and Concentration
Argelia Muñoz Larroa
Why Australia needs a Media Freedom Act
Peter Greste & Richard Murray
Book review
Climate Change, Communication and Food
Wayne Hope