Karen Arriaza Ibarra - Candidate for Vice-president

Karen Arriaza Ibarra
Complutense University of Madrid

On this page, you will find Karen Arriaza Ibarra's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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I am sincerely honored to be nominated for Vice President of IAMCR. Since I joined IAMCR more than 17 years ago, I have always been enriched by the intellectual exchange and nurtured friendships with scholars coming from all over the world. This is what makes IAMCR truly unique: it represents global diversity like no other association in the field. This is possible only through the contribution of every single member.

After twelve years of service at the International Communication section (Chair for the last 8 years and before that, 4 years as Vice Chair), our section now covers all world regions with members from both small and big localities, who are welcomed to submit abstracts not only in English, but also in the other two official languages (that I speak), Spanish and French. We have helped our members publish in Q1 journals; we’ve hosted annual pre-conferences on a steady basis and acted as hosts in our friendly ‘get-together’ events.

If elected, I will dedicate myself to further internationalize IAMCR, to promote the diversity of voices and spirits among all its members, to work with all sections and WGs in solidarity, and to nurture IAMCR’s unique sense of community.


Es un honor haber sido nominada para Vice Presidenta de la IAMCR. Desde que me hice miembro, hace más de 17 años, me he enriquecido del intercambio intelectual y una maravillosa amistad con académicos/as de todo el mundo. Esto es lo que constituye el carácter único de la IAMCR: representa la diversidad global como ninguna otra asociación del medio, que es posible sólo mediante la contribución de cada uno/a de nosotros/as.

Después de doce años de servicio en la sección Comunicación Internacional (‘Chair’ los últimos 8 años, y antes 4 más como ‘Vice-Chair’), nuestra sección cubre todas las regiones del mundo y tiene miembros provenientes de pequeñas y grandes regiones, quienes pueden presentar sus resúmenes no solamente en inglés, sino también en los otros dos idiomas oficiales de la IAMCR, español y francés. Hemos ayudado a nuestros miembros a publicar en revistas académicas Q1, organizamos pre-conferencias anuales regularmente, y hemos sido anfitriones de nuestros muy cordiales “get-together”.

Si soy elegida, continuaré internacionalizando a la IAMCR a través de la diversidad de voces y personalidades de todos sus miembros, trabajaré con las secciones y WGs en solidaridad, y estrecharé los lazos de comunidad de la IAMCR que la hacen única.


Je suis sincèrement honorée d’être nommée vice-présidente de l’AIERI. Depuis que je l’ai rejoint, il y a plus de 17 ans, j’ai toujours été enrichie par les échanges intellectuels et les amitiés nouées autour du monde. C’est ce qui rend l’AIERI vraiment unique : elle représente la diversité mondiale comme aucune autre association spécialisée.

Après douze ans de service au sein de la section Communication Internationale (présidente depuis huit ans et vice-présidente depuis quatre ans), notre section couvre désormais toutes les régions du monde avec des membres issus de petites et grandes localités, qui sont invités à soumettre des résumés non seulement en anglais, mais aussi dans les deux autres langues officielles, l’espagnol et le français (que je parle). Nous avons aidé nos membres à publier dans des revues académiques (Q1) ; nous avons organisé des pré-conférences annuelles de manière régulière, et nous avons joué le rôle d’hôtes lors de nos événements conviviaux de « rencontre ».

Si je suis élue, je me consacrerai à l’internationalisation de l’AIERI, à la promotion de la diversité des voix et des esprits parmi tous ses membres, à la collaboration solidaire avec toutes les sections et groupes de travail, et à l’entretien du sens unique de la communauté de l’AIERI.

Nominated by:

Andrew Ó Baoill, University of Galway, Ireland
Thomas Herdin, Department of Communication Studies, University of Salzburg, Austria
M Wu, University of Macao
Concha Edo, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Thomas Hanitzsch,  Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Marie Grusell, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Steph Hill, University of Leicester, UK
Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Xavier Ramon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Fiona Martin, University of Sydney, Australia
Deqiang JI, Communication University of China
Sudeshna Roy, Stephen F. Austin State University, United States
Lars Nord, Professor Political Communication, Mid Sweden University

Thomas Hanitzsch, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany:

As a member of IAMCR I take the liberty of nominating Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) for the position of IAMCR Vice President and for the associations International Council in the upcoming association-wide election. In my view, given her excellent standing in the discipline, long-standing commitment to IAMCR, and international experience as a leader in the field, Dr. Arriaza is well suited for this position.

Deepti Ganapathy, IIM Bangalore, India:

As we head into elections and nominate members of the EB, I would like to nominate Prof. Karen Arriaza Ibarra (Chair, International Communication section) for Vice President of IAMCR. 

I have known Karen since 2016, when she was elected as the Chair for the INC section. She has worked very hard to bring in diverse voices from all over the globe into INC’s organised conferences – be it in IAMCR Oregon in 2018 or Madrid in 2019.

I am sure she will give equal representation to global voices and encourage scholarship from across the world, without being biased. As a leadership role for the EB, it is crucial for candidates to speak for those who cannot speak up, and in academia, every voice must count.

Hence I wish Karen all the very best in her run for this post.

Kateryna Kasianenko, Queensland University of Technology, Australia:

I am writing to nominate Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra as a candidate for Vice President of IAMCR. As a long term-member of the section Professor Arriaza Ibarra leads, I am confident that conference members, especially early career scholars and members from countries of the Majority World. will benefit from her leadership.

Xosé López García, Novos Medios Research Group, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain:

Dr. Arriaza-Ibarra’s extensive dedication to the International Communication section, alongside her active participation in other aspects and matters at IAMCR, makes her in our opinion an excellent candidate for this role. We believe her leadership will greatly benefit the IAMCR community.

Lutz Peschke, Bilkent University, Ankara, Türkiye:

I write this email in order to nominate / propose Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra, who is now the Chair of the International Communication section, for Vice President of IAMCR in this year's IAMCR election process. I believe that her expertise after all these years in the leading team in the International Communication section and her very international professional background will make her an excellent Vice President of the Association.

Pınar Aslan, Uskudar University, Türkiye:

I am sending this e-mail to declare that I would like to nominate Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the vice president position at IAMCR. I have known her through the International Communication Group and I would like to nominate her for being hard-working and always open to collaborating.

I believe that it would be a most positive thing for IAMCR to have her as Vice President, because not only she has been a steady contributor / theory author to the study of audiovisual media in the Mediterranean area, but also because I know her thanks to IAMCR and she is a kind and generous person, with very clear ideas and very much committed to the conference.

Seldağ Güneş Peschke, Faculty of Law, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Türkiye:

I write this email in order to nominate / propose Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra, who is now the Chair of the International Communication section, for Vice President of IAMCR in this year's IAMCR election process. I believe that her expertise after all these years in the leading team in the International Communication section and her very international professional background will make her an excellent Vice President of the Association.


Submitted by AÓ Baoill on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 08:37


Andrew Ó Baoill

I have had the pleasure of working with Karen in the International Section for several years now. She has been an effective leader of the section, hard-working and committed to its success. Her experience with the INT section - with its uniquely broad mandate - will serve her well as part of the Executive. Her ongoing attention to the challenges for public service media at a time of a resurgent far-right is vital to situating communication studies within current debates on the future of democracy, and will be of great value to the association.

Submitted by venugopalgowda on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 23:48


Dr. Venugopal Gowda M K, Head of the Department, Post-Graduate Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Philomena`s College, Mysuru, Karnataka

Karen Arriaza Ibarra's extensive experience in academia and research is truly impressive. Her contributions as a professor in Audiovisual Communication, as well as her leadership roles in research groups and associations like IAMCR, showcase her dedication to advancing the field. Her guest professorships at prestigious institutions globally highlight her international reputation and expertise. Her publications in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes reflect her deep knowledge and research contributions. As Chair of the 'International Communication' Section at IAMCR, Karen Arriaza Ibarra has demonstrated exemplary leadership and a commitment to academic excellence. She would be a valuable asset as the Vice-President of IAMCR, bringing her wealth of experience and vision to further enhance the association's mission.

Submitted by JJY on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 03:17


Dr. JING Jiayi, Assistant Professor, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

I am happy to provide an endorsement for Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra's candidature for IAMCR Vice President. She is not only prestigious in the field of international communication research, but also has rich experience in organization and management of the International Communication Section of IAMCR for a long time. Every time I attend it, I could always feel her passion, efficiency, kindness and professionalism. Thus, I sincerely hope that she could serve the Vice President position this time, giving her new energy and broad view to more members and IAMCR.

Submitted by JJY on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 03:46


HU Zhengrong, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

I would like to support Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra's nomination for the Vice-Presidency of IAMCR. We have cooperated several times these years within the International Communication Section. Every times she shows great professionalism, enthusiam and energy for work, which impressed me a lot. I witnessed how the Section progressed under her assitance and management. I do wish that she can serve the position and bring nes scopes to IAMCR.

Submitted by Cazzamatta on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 05:46


Regina Cazzamatta, Universität Erfurt

I would like to endorse the candidacy of Karen Arriaza Ibarra; she has been long active in the field of global communication, and I believe she will enormously contribute to the diversification, de-westernization, and inclusiveness of our field!

Submitted by yiqungeng@163.com on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:13


Yiqun Geng from Communication University of China

I would like to support Karen's nomination for the Vice-Presidency of IAMCR as a committed and rigorous person, with a long experience in management positions in IAMCR. Karen’s outstanding work would bring about innovation to IAMCR.

Submitted by yiqungeng@163.com on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:13


Yiqun Geng from Communication University of China

I would like to support Karen's nomination for the Vice-Presidency of IAMCR as a committed and rigorous person, with a long experience in management positions in IAMCR. Karen’s outstanding work would bring about innovation to IAMCR.

Submitted by yiqungeng@163.com on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:13


Yiqun Geng from Communication University of China

I would like to support Karen's nomination for the Vice-Presidency of IAMCR as a committed and rigorous person, with a long experience in management positions in IAMCR. Karen’s outstanding work would bring about innovation to IAMCR.

Submitted by yiqungeng@163.com on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:13


Yiqun Geng from Communication University of China

I would like to support Karen's nomination for the Vice-Presidency of IAMCR as a committed and rigorous person, with a long experience in management positions in IAMCR. Karen’s outstanding work would bring about innovation to IAMCR.

Submitted by ztai2@uky.edu on Sat, 04/13/2024 - 05:11


Zixue Tai, University of Kentucky, USA

I support Dr. Arriaza Ibarra for IAMCR Vice President with lots of enthusiasm. She is passionate, amicable and dedicated. Her vision for IAMCR will make an impact on expanding the reach of IAMCR to many underrepresented countries.

Submitted by xianwen.kuang on Sun, 04/14/2024 - 10:40


Xianwen Kuang, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University

I support Prof. Karen Arriaza Ibarra's run for IAMCR vice president. Her experience leading the International Communication section and commitment to diversity in IAMCR makes me believe she'd excel in this role.

Submitted by jidayiming on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 07:29


Yiming Chen from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra is an exemplary scholar, bearing profound responsibilities towards society and the esteemed research community. Her unwavering dedication to IAMCR has been invaluable for numerous years, and her extensive expertise promises a brighter future for the organization. I wholeheartedly endorse her aspirations as Vice President.

Submitted by ACasero-Ripolles on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 09:09


Prof. Andreu Casero-Ripollés, Full Professor of Journalism and Political Communication at the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló (Spain)

I would like to endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra as a candidate for IAMCR Vice-President. Her vision and commitment will enrich and strengthen our organization for years to come.

Submitted by terryzhou on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 12:58


Zhou, Professor of Fudan U

Dr. Arriaza Ibarra is passionate, amicable and dedicated. Her vision for IAMCR will make an impact on expanding the reach of IAMCR to many underrepresented countries.

Submitted by Diwakar Shukla on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 17:45


Prof. Diwakar Shukla, Dean, Faculty of Journalism and Creative Studies. Jagran Lakecity University

I endorse Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the Vice President of IAMCR.