Karen Arriaza Ibarra - Candidate for Vice-president

Karen Arriaza Ibarra
Complutense University of Madrid

On this page, you will find Karen Arriaza Ibarra's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Karen Arriaza Ibarra, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

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I am sincerely honored to be nominated for Vice President of IAMCR. Since I joined IAMCR more than 17 years ago, I have always been enriched by the intellectual exchange and nurtured friendships with scholars coming from all over the world. This is what makes IAMCR truly unique: it represents global diversity like no other association in the field. This is possible only through the contribution of every single member.

After twelve years of service at the International Communication section (Chair for the last 8 years and before that, 4 years as Vice Chair), our section now covers all world regions with members from both small and big localities, who are welcomed to submit abstracts not only in English, but also in the other two official languages (that I speak), Spanish and French. We have helped our members publish in Q1 journals; we’ve hosted annual pre-conferences on a steady basis and acted as hosts in our friendly ‘get-together’ events.

If elected, I will dedicate myself to further internationalize IAMCR, to promote the diversity of voices and spirits among all its members, to work with all sections and WGs in solidarity, and to nurture IAMCR’s unique sense of community.


Es un honor haber sido nominada para Vice Presidenta de la IAMCR. Desde que me hice miembro, hace más de 17 años, me he enriquecido del intercambio intelectual y una maravillosa amistad con académicos/as de todo el mundo. Esto es lo que constituye el carácter único de la IAMCR: representa la diversidad global como ninguna otra asociación del medio, que es posible sólo mediante la contribución de cada uno/a de nosotros/as.

Después de doce años de servicio en la sección Comunicación Internacional (‘Chair’ los últimos 8 años, y antes 4 más como ‘Vice-Chair’), nuestra sección cubre todas las regiones del mundo y tiene miembros provenientes de pequeñas y grandes regiones, quienes pueden presentar sus resúmenes no solamente en inglés, sino también en los otros dos idiomas oficiales de la IAMCR, español y francés. Hemos ayudado a nuestros miembros a publicar en revistas académicas Q1, organizamos pre-conferencias anuales regularmente, y hemos sido anfitriones de nuestros muy cordiales “get-together”.

Si soy elegida, continuaré internacionalizando a la IAMCR a través de la diversidad de voces y personalidades de todos sus miembros, trabajaré con las secciones y WGs en solidaridad, y estrecharé los lazos de comunidad de la IAMCR que la hacen única.


Je suis sincèrement honorée d’être nommée vice-présidente de l’AIERI. Depuis que je l’ai rejoint, il y a plus de 17 ans, j’ai toujours été enrichie par les échanges intellectuels et les amitiés nouées autour du monde. C’est ce qui rend l’AIERI vraiment unique : elle représente la diversité mondiale comme aucune autre association spécialisée.

Après douze ans de service au sein de la section Communication Internationale (présidente depuis huit ans et vice-présidente depuis quatre ans), notre section couvre désormais toutes les régions du monde avec des membres issus de petites et grandes localités, qui sont invités à soumettre des résumés non seulement en anglais, mais aussi dans les deux autres langues officielles, l’espagnol et le français (que je parle). Nous avons aidé nos membres à publier dans des revues académiques (Q1) ; nous avons organisé des pré-conférences annuelles de manière régulière, et nous avons joué le rôle d’hôtes lors de nos événements conviviaux de « rencontre ».

Si je suis élue, je me consacrerai à l’internationalisation de l’AIERI, à la promotion de la diversité des voix et des esprits parmi tous ses membres, à la collaboration solidaire avec toutes les sections et groupes de travail, et à l’entretien du sens unique de la communauté de l’AIERI.

Nominated by:

Andrew Ó Baoill, University of Galway, Ireland
Thomas Herdin, Department of Communication Studies, University of Salzburg, Austria
M Wu, University of Macao
Concha Edo, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Thomas Hanitzsch,  Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Marie Grusell, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Steph Hill, University of Leicester, UK
Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Xavier Ramon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Fiona Martin, University of Sydney, Australia
Deqiang JI, Communication University of China
Sudeshna Roy, Stephen F. Austin State University, United States
Lars Nord, Professor Political Communication, Mid Sweden University

Thomas Hanitzsch, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany:

As a member of IAMCR I take the liberty of nominating Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) for the position of IAMCR Vice President and for the associations International Council in the upcoming association-wide election. In my view, given her excellent standing in the discipline, long-standing commitment to IAMCR, and international experience as a leader in the field, Dr. Arriaza is well suited for this position.

Deepti Ganapathy, IIM Bangalore, India:

As we head into elections and nominate members of the EB, I would like to nominate Prof. Karen Arriaza Ibarra (Chair, International Communication section) for Vice President of IAMCR. 

I have known Karen since 2016, when she was elected as the Chair for the INC section. She has worked very hard to bring in diverse voices from all over the globe into INC’s organised conferences – be it in IAMCR Oregon in 2018 or Madrid in 2019.

I am sure she will give equal representation to global voices and encourage scholarship from across the world, without being biased. As a leadership role for the EB, it is crucial for candidates to speak for those who cannot speak up, and in academia, every voice must count.

Hence I wish Karen all the very best in her run for this post.

Kateryna Kasianenko, Queensland University of Technology, Australia:

I am writing to nominate Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra as a candidate for Vice President of IAMCR. As a long term-member of the section Professor Arriaza Ibarra leads, I am confident that conference members, especially early career scholars and members from countries of the Majority World. will benefit from her leadership.

Xosé López García, Novos Medios Research Group, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain:

Dr. Arriaza-Ibarra’s extensive dedication to the International Communication section, alongside her active participation in other aspects and matters at IAMCR, makes her in our opinion an excellent candidate for this role. We believe her leadership will greatly benefit the IAMCR community.

Lutz Peschke, Bilkent University, Ankara, Türkiye:

I write this email in order to nominate / propose Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra, who is now the Chair of the International Communication section, for Vice President of IAMCR in this year's IAMCR election process. I believe that her expertise after all these years in the leading team in the International Communication section and her very international professional background will make her an excellent Vice President of the Association.

Pınar Aslan, Uskudar University, Türkiye:

I am sending this e-mail to declare that I would like to nominate Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the vice president position at IAMCR. I have known her through the International Communication Group and I would like to nominate her for being hard-working and always open to collaborating.

I believe that it would be a most positive thing for IAMCR to have her as Vice President, because not only she has been a steady contributor / theory author to the study of audiovisual media in the Mediterranean area, but also because I know her thanks to IAMCR and she is a kind and generous person, with very clear ideas and very much committed to the conference.

Seldağ Güneş Peschke, Faculty of Law, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Türkiye:

I write this email in order to nominate / propose Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra, who is now the Chair of the International Communication section, for Vice President of IAMCR in this year's IAMCR election process. I believe that her expertise after all these years in the leading team in the International Communication section and her very international professional background will make her an excellent Vice President of the Association.


Submitted by FKrotz on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:47


Friedrich Krotz, Centre for Media, Communication and INformation REsearch (ZeMKI), University of Bremen, Germany


Submitted by PThompson on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 01:50


Peter Thompson

I'd like to endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra as a candidate for IAMCR Vice-President.
Karen is a long-standing member of the IAMCR. She has served on the International Council for the past eight years, and she also served three terms as Chair (and Vice-Chair) of the International Communication section.
As Karen's statement confirms, she has a commitment to diversity in international representation. She also speaks all three "official" IAMCR languages and as many of you will know, she is is not only a leading scholar in her field but unfailingly collegial and supportive. I believe she would make an excellent Vice- President.

Submitted by arjunchatt on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 09:09


Arjun Chatterjee, Hong Kong Baptist University

You will make a fine Vice-President of the IAMCR, Dr Karen. Your contribution in the field makes you the best candidate for the post. IAMCR will immensely benefit, if you are elected as the Vice-President. Best wishes.

Submitted by Daya Thussu on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 08:27


Professor Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University

I am very happy to endorse the candidature of Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the Vice President of the IAMCR. Karen has been very active in the International Communication section of the organization, leading it very successfully and expanding and diversifying its membership. Her committment to IAMCR and what it stands for is admirable, as is her enthusiasm for the field of her study. I have known Karen for a long time and worked with her closely as most of my academic research is in the area of international communication. I believe, Karen would make for an excellent Vice President of the IAMCR, linking her European cultural and intellectual heritage to the extensive connections she has with scholars in South America and beyond.

Submitted by zoucailing1998 on Wed, 03/13/2024 - 03:01


Zou Cailing, Communication University of China

Having had the pleasure of meeting Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra at last year's conference in France,I'm honored to offer my endorsement for her candidacy as Vice President of IAMCR. Her warmth, coupled with her evident capability and dedication to fostering global diversity, makes her an exemplary leader. As a graduate student, I'm particularly excited about the prospect of her leadership, as it could potentially provide more opportunities for us to participate in international conferences and broaden our learning horizons. I sincerely hope that IAMCR flourishes under her guidance.

Submitted by THerdin on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 05:10


Thomas Herdin, Department of Communication Studies – University of Salzburg, Austria

I have known Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra for a long time now, and I can testify that under her leadership in the last 12 years the International Communication section has become more inclusive, closer, and yet more diverse – thanks to her initiatives we have grown in size and in bonding friendship relationships among us. She has performed her role as Chair with true commitment and always with a smile and a gentle attitude. At an academic level she has a strong profile, and I have seen her speaking fluently in the three official languages, Spanish – English – French. She truly is an international fellow who has the best intentions for our association. I endorse her candidacy wholeheartedly as she would make an extraordinary Vice President of IAMCR.

Submitted by HUAILIN MU on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 05:33


Huailin Mu

Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra has provided young researchers with a deeper understanding of IAMCR. I know IAMCR from the Asia-Pacific Communication Forum 2023(APCF2023), in which Karen gave a keynote speech named Globalism and Multiculturalism in the International Context Today. I think Karen's promotion of a global perspective and multiculturalism is very attractive to young people from different regions. Young scholars should all hope for an outstanding and energetic woman who respects multiculturalism to lead IAMCR in expanding its influence in the international academic and cultural fields.
I endorse her candidacy because Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra will make an excellent Vice President of IAMCR.

Submitted by LaurenceD on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 06:42


Laurence Dang

I wholeheartedly endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the position of Vice President at IAMCR. Her professionalism, kindness, and organizational skills are evident from my experiences at various global events. As the chair of the International Communication Section, she organized a karaoke event in Lyon IAMCR conference, enhancing the conference’s joyful atmosphere. She was also invited as a keynote speaker of the Asia Pacific Communication Forum (APCF2023) at the University of Macau last year, where she gave an excellent presentation on Globalism and Multiculturalism in the International Context. With her international experience, linguistic proficiency, global academic perspective, and engaging demeanor, Professor Arriaza Ibarra is exceptionally qualified to excel as an IAMCR Vice President.

Submitted by John Ibanga on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 06:50


John Ibanga , Augustine University, Lagos, Nigeria

Professor Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra is an organic intellectual who has devoted a significant portion of her academic career to mentoring and nurturing emerging scholars. Her remits include serving as Chair of the ‘International Communication’ Section for 8 years; and Vice Chair of the “International Communication” Section for 4 years. This is an attestation to her unwavering commitment to the IAMCR family.
She has served as a visiting and guest professor at universities in Sweden, Italy, Belgium, France, the United States, Germany, and China, which attest to her scholarly depth and global recognition. If elected as Vice President, one of her visions for IAMCR is to promote inclusivity among all members. Karen stands out from other candidates because her VP strategy will emphasize communicating more frequently with academics, researchers, and emerging scholar networks from regions worldwide in any of IAMCR's three official languages, which she fluently speaks: English, Spanish (especially with our colleagues from Latin America), and French-speaking regions. I am confident that if elected, she will provide greater value to the IAMCR community and leave it in a better place than she found it. Thus, I wholeheartedly endorse her nomination for Vice President of IAMCR. A vote for Karen Arriaza Ibarra as Vice President of IAMCR is a vote for inclusivity, transparency, dedication, mentoring, and international partnerships and collaborations for all the IAMCR members. Vote for Karen Arriaza Ibarra as Vice President of IAMCR!

Submitted by John Ibanga on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 06:50


John Ibanga , Augustine University, Lagos, Nigeria

Professor Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra is an organic intellectual who has devoted a significant portion of her academic career to mentoring and nurturing emerging scholars. Her remits include serving as Chair of the ‘International Communication’ Section for 8 years; and Vice Chair of the “International Communication” Section for 4 years. This is an attestation to her unwavering commitment to the IAMCR family.
She has served as a visiting and guest professor at universities in Sweden, Italy, Belgium, France, the United States, Germany, and China, which attest to her scholarly depth and global recognition. If elected as Vice President, one of her visions for IAMCR is to promote inclusivity among all members. Karen stands out from other candidates because her VP strategy will emphasize communicating more frequently with academics, researchers, and emerging scholar networks from regions worldwide in any of IAMCR's three official languages, which she fluently speaks: English, Spanish (especially with our colleagues from Latin America), and French-speaking regions. I am confident that if elected, she will provide greater value to the IAMCR community and leave it in a better place than she found it. Thus, I wholeheartedly endorse her nomination for Vice President of IAMCR. A vote for Karen Arriaza Ibarra as Vice President of IAMCR is a vote for inclusivity, transparency, dedication, mentoring, and international partnerships and collaborations for all the IAMCR members. Vote for Karen Arriaza Ibarra as Vice President of IAMCR!

Submitted by CU China on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 12:22


Deqiang Ji, Professor, Communication University of China

Professor Karen Ibarra is a renowned scholar in international communication and public media studies. She has gained a global reputation in promoting a truly international atmosphere in media and communication research across different cultures and systems. As Chair of the International Communication Section of IAMCR, she worked closely with scholars from all around the world and devoted herself in building diverse platforms for academic dialogue and research collaboration. I was impressed by her intellectual inspiration and professionalism in organizing academic organizations. Therefore, I strongly endorse her candidacy for the Vice President of IAMCR.

Submitted by TJacobson on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 13:01


Tom Jacobson

As Chair of the Scholarly Review Committee I have worked with Karen in her capacity of Head of the Int'l Communication Section, her serving as moderator of Section/Working Group heads meetings, and in other ways. She has always been enthusiastic, professional, and well organized. I'm sure she would be an excellent Vice President of the Association and I support her candidacy for this office enthusiastically.

Submitted by HJEJI on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 22:58


Dr. Happy Jeji, Department of Journalism and Mass Communicatio, Punjabi University Patiala

I endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra,
Complutense University of Madrid
Spain for Vice President of IAMCR. Being member of International Communication Section , I have known her for many years and view her as a valuable candidate for this post.

Submitted by RZHAO on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 23:18


Ruhan ZHAO

Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra possesses exceptional scholarly prowess and leadership qualities. She not only encourages and promotes the active engagement and communication of scholars, but also inspires young researchers to undertake comprehensive investigations. She has strengthened the International Communication section by organizing impressive activities, and her academic influence continues to grow. We are convinced that she is capable of increasing her contributions to IAMCR and assuming additional responsibilities. I am very happy to leave this Endorsement for Karen, wishing her all the best in this election, as she deserves it!

Submitted by ragrug on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 04:37


Natascha Just, University of Zurich, IKMZ

I am honored to wholeheartedly support Karen Arriaza Ibarra as Vice President of the IAMCR. She brings tremendous commitment, expertise and tireless dedication to supporting this institution on a global level. I am confident that she will be able to lead with integrity, vision and inclusivity.

Submitted by CIordache on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 05:26


Catalina Iordache, imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

I confidently endorse Karen for Vice President of IAMCR, a position which she will undeniably take on with great professionalism and enthusiasm.
Karen has been a staple for IAMCR's International Communication section over the years. Her dedication to the association has always been impressive, as is her commitment to not only enhancing the quality of work and visibility of the section, but also supporting young scholars joining the group.

Submitted by EvaYiheng on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 17:13


Yiheng Wang

I would like to endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice President for her dedication to the association, professionalism, and experience from a global perspective. Her enthusiasm and support to early stage scholars also make her a qualified Vice President for us and the organization.

Submitted by Yimei Zhang on Sat, 03/16/2024 - 01:01


Yimei Zhang

I’d like to endorse the candidacy of Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the Vice President of IAMCR. Karen has contributed enormously to international communication. She has been very active in internationalizing IAMCR and promoting the diversity of its membership. She has inspired young researchers from different regions, having a positive impact on Asian communities. I believe that her enthusiasm and professionalism would make her an excellent Vice President of IAMCR.

Submitted by marie.grusell@… on Sat, 03/16/2024 - 04:47


Marie Grusell, The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG), University of Gothenburg, Sweden

I met Karen Arriaza Ibarra at the IAMCR conference in Istanbul in 2011, when we were both only IAMCR conference participants. Since then, we have maintained contact for personal friendship and also through several collaborations and mutual friends. In the Nordic countries Karen is well known because she leads a research group at her university focused on the Nordic model of the Information Society and its relationship with Spain, and she got so involved that she even started to learn Swedish, which she currently speaks at the B1 level (besides from English, French, and her mother tongue, Spanish). This is only to demonstrate how much she truly gets involved in the projects that illusion her, which normally are several because she is very energetic. In time, we became leaders of our respective sections – me at the Political Communication section, she at the International Communication section. I have witnessed her devotion and true dedication to her section in these 12 years. Now that she is candidate for Vice President, I can only wish her the best in this role, as IAMCR will benefit immensely from having a Vice President so responsible, kind, cordial and proactive as Karen Arriaza Ibarra.

Submitted by dsemova on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 06:55


Prof. Dr. Dimitrina J. Semova, Complutense University of Madrid

I am very happy to sincerely endorse the candidacy of Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice President of IAMCR, as I have known her for many years now and I have a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that she possesses the necessary qualifications, the experience, the charisma, and the determination needed to carry out an excellent role as a global and inclusive Vice President. Vote for Karen for Vice President of IAMCR!

Estoy muy feliz de apoyar con toda sinceridad la candidatura de Karen Arriaza Ibarra para Vice Presidenta de la IAMCR, porque la conozco desde hace muchos años y tengo la convicción que proviene de saber que ella posee las capacidades necesarias, la experiencia, el carisma y la determinación necesarias para llevar a cabo un excelente papel como una Vice Presidenta global e inclusiva. Vote por Karen para Vice Presidenta de la IAMCR / AIERI !

Я очень рад искренне поддержать кандидатуру Карен Арриаса Ибарра на пост вице-президента IAMCR, так как знаю её уже много лет и обладаю подходящей уверенностью, которая исходит из знания того, что она обладает необходимыми квалификациями, опытом, харизмой и решимостью, необходимыми для выполнения отличной роли глобального и инклюзивного вице-президента. Голосуйте за Карен на пост вице-президента IAMCR!

Submitted by mwu on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 10:26


M Wu President of APCEA

This is to endorse Prof. Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the Vice President of IAMCR She was invited to travel as one of our keynote speakers at the Asia-Pacific Communication Forum 2023 (APCF2023) that took place on August 19-20, 2023, at the University of Macau. This is the fifth year that the APCF is held aiming to continue promoting globalism and multiculturalism. Others keynote speakers were Prof. Shahbaz Khan, UNESCO Director of Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, and Prof. Jonathan Zhu, Chair Professor of Computational Social Science and Director of the Centre for Communication Research at City University of Hong Kong.

As President of the Asia-Pacific Communication Exchange Association, it is my pleasure to acknowledge her extraordinary contribution to the success of the Forum. Her presentation entitled: “Globalism and Multiculturalism in the International Context Today”, helped us achieve the goals we had projected and provided us with a useful European perspective. We look very much forward to her participation in future events.

I strongly support her to be Vice President of IAMCR.

Submitted by angelrubio on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 10:32


Angel L. Rubio Moraga, Vice Dean - Faculty of Communication, Complutense University in Madrid

I am very pleased and honored to leave this statement to publicly manifest our support to the candidacy of one of our most international professors, Karen Arriaza Ibarra, nominated this year for the Vice Presidency of IAMCR. I’ve known Karen since the academic course 2004 - we have been friends ever since, and I have also known her as I am a member of the research group that she leads: “The Nordic Model and Culture of the Information Society and Its Relationship to the Spanish Model”. I can guarantee that when it comes to work and commitment, there is no one more dedicated, responsible, and enthusiast than Karen. Thanks to her efforts we were recently able to publish a book, in English, with some eminent Nordic colleagues like Lars Nord, Marie Grusell, and Marko Ala-Fossi.
When it comes to international associations, she is fully engaged with IAMCR as this is the best association in the world for her, and she has proved this by actively working in favor of the International Communication section for the last 12 years. Her domain of several languages and her enthusiasm for helping emerging scholars complement her personal abilities. I truly believe that she would make an excellent Vice President, so I kindly invite you to vote for Karen for Vice President of IAMCR!

Me complace y me honra escribir este mensaje para dar todo nuestro apoyo públicamente a la candidatura de una de nuestras profesoras más internacionales, Karen Arriaza Ibarra, nominada este año para la Vice Presidencia de la IAMCR. Conozco a Karen desde el curso académico 2004—somos amigos desde entonces, y también la conozco porque soy miembro del grupo de investigación que ella dirige: “Cultura y Modelo Nórdico para la Sociedad de la Información y su Relación con el Modelo Español”. Puedo garantizar de que cuando se trata de trabajo y compromiso, no hay nadie más dedicado, responsable y entusiasta que Karen. Gracias a sus esfuerzos pudimos publicar recientemente un libro en inglés, junto con algunos reconocidos colegas nórdicos como Lars Nord, Marie Grusell, y Marko Ala-Fossi.
En lo que se refiere a asociaciones internacionales, está totalmente comprometida con la IAMCR, que es la mejor asociación del mundo para ella, como afirma y ha demostrado trabajando en favor de la sección Comunicación Internacional durante los últimos 12 años. Su dominio de varios idiomas y el entusiasmo que manifiesta en ayudar a profesores que empiezan, complementan sus habilidades personales. Realmente creo que sería una excelente Vice Presidenta, por lo que les invito cordialmente a votar por Karen Arriaza Ibarra para Vice Presidenta de la IAMCR!

Submitted by MMichalis on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 16:49


Maria Michalis

I am writing to endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra for VP. I've known Karen for a very long time. She has contributed to IAMCR in various capacities (Int'l Council and IC Section) for many years now. She is committed and enthusiastic, and has good ideas and more to contribute. I encourage you to vote for her.

Submitted by WMano on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 04:47


Winston Mano

I join others here in endorsing Karen for the position of VP. She brings in a wealth of knowledge and experience, including from her roles as VC and Chair of the International Communication section since 2012. She can contribute to a more global and inclusive IAMCR.

Submitted by SAran on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 06:38


Sue Aran-Ramspott

I express my support for Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the the position of VP, because her knowledge of the development and comparative analysis of the different audiovisual structures in Europe and the rest of the world, in the economy and political communication of the media, as well as for her experience in various communication organizations, in particular at the IAMCR.

Submitted by MEcheverria on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 10:59


Martin Echeverría, Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico

I am delighted to offer my endorsement for Dr. Karen Arraiza Ibarra's candidacy for Vice President of IAMCR. Dr. Arraiza Ibarra's illustrious career, rooted in the university's Faculty of Information Sciences at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, exemplifies her commitment to education and academic excellence.

With over two decades of experience, Dr. Arraiza Ibarra's dedication to teaching Communication Audiovisual and Advertising has fostered a nurturing learning environment for students. Her passion for academia extends beyond the classroom, evident through her ample participation in international conferences and associations such as ECREA, AE-IC, ICA, and IAMCR.

What sets Dr. Arraiza Ibarra apart is not only her academic prowess but also her pursuit of inclusivity and global collaboration. Her fluency in multiple languages and her engagement with diverse cultures highlight her commitment to fostering a truly international academic community.

Moreover, Dr. Arraiza Ibarra's vision for the future, particularly her emphasis on amplifying the voices of underrepresented regions like Latin America, demonstrates her forward-thinking leadership and dedication to diversity and inclusion within academia.

As a respected educator, dedicated researcher, and advocate for global collaboration, Dr. Karen Arraiza Ibarra is undoubtedly the ideal candidate to serve as Vice President of IAMCR. Her leadership will undoubtedly propel the Association towards greater heights of academic excellence and international recognition.

Me complace ofrecer mi respaldo a la candidatura de la Dra. Karen Arraiza Ibarra para Vicepresidenta de IAMCR. La destacada trayectoria de la Dra. Arraiza Ibarra, arraigada en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ejemplifica su compromiso con la educación y la excelencia académica.

Con más de dos décadas de experiencia, la dedicación de la Dra. Arraiza Ibarra a la enseñanza de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad ha fomentado un ambiente de aprendizaje enriquecedor para los estudiantes. Su pasión por la academia trasciende el aula, evidente a través de su amplia participación en conferencias internacionales y asociaciones como ECREA, AE-IC, ICA e IAMCR.

Lo que distingue a la Dra. Arraiza Ibarra no solo es su capacidad académica, sino también su búsqueda de inclusividad y colaboración global. Su fluidez en varios idiomas y su involucramiento en diversas culturas destacan su propósito de fomentar una comunidad académica verdaderamente internacional.

Además, la visión de la Dra. Arraiza Ibarra, particularmente su énfasis en amplificar las voces de regiones subrepresentadas como América Latina, demuestra su dedicación a la diversidad y la inclusión dentro de la academia.

Como educadora, investigadora dedicada y promotora de la colaboración global, la Dra. Karen Arraiza Ibarra es sin duda la candidata ideal para servir como Vicepresidenta de IAMCR. Su liderazgo sin duda impulsará a la Asociación hacia mayores alcances de excelencia académica y reconocimiento internacional.

Submitted by JMTuñez on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 12:15


Jose Miguel Túñez López. PI of the VALCOMM project and director of the RTVE-USC Chair. University of Santiago de Compostela-Spain.

Dr. Karen Arriaza Ibarra is an excellent candidate to successfully perform the role of Vice President of IAMCR. The work she developed in the association for the last 12 years, her research and domain of languages, her academic trajectory, and her nice personality – all of these are qualifications that endow her with a profile that endorses a leadership that will surely be extremely beneficial to IAMCR, while her role will enrich and strengthen IAMCR’s goals and image all over the world.
Vote for Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice President of IAMCR !

Submitted by CEdo on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 19:13


Concha Edo - Complutense University of Madrid

I am sending this message to support Karen Arriaza as Vice President. For twelve years she has been working efficiently in the International Communication section of the IAMCR, which she has led successfully and with a positive and open attitude that leads her to value all people. Also relevant to her accession to the Vice-Presidency is the fact that she speaks Spanish, English and French, and is also learning Swedish. I consider her to be a good candidate for this position.

Submitted by mariusdragomir on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 19:36


Marius Dragomir, director Media and Journalism Research Center, Lecturer Central European University (CEU) Vienna (Austria), Researcher University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

I am honored to endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the Vice President of the IAMCR. I have worked and cooperated with Prof Arriaza Ibarra for the past few years and I have closely followed her academic work, which I commend very much for its scholarly insights and value. Professor Arriaza Ibarra will bring enormous prestige to IAMCR and help the association further thrive, reasons for which I fully endorse her candidature.

Submitted by lele235333 on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 01:22


Joyce LUO

Karen has been well-known in international communication for her professionalism, remarkable organisational skills and a kind heart. I endorser her to be the vice-president of IAMCR and look forward to more excellence from her role.

Submitted by TEvens on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 12:52


Tom Evens, Ghent University, Belgium

It is with great enthusiasm and utmost respect that I endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the position of Vice President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Having collaborated with her in various capacities over the last ten years, I have witnessed firsthand the depth of her commitment, her expertise, and her dedication to advance the field of media and communication.
Beyond her academic achievements, Karen’s personal qualities make her the ideal candidate for this position. Her kindness and approachability have fostered a collaborative environment among her colleagues and students, enhancing the quality of both research and education within our community. Furthermore, I bring her sense of humour to your attention which makes her a joy to work with.
I therefore wholeheartedly support Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the vice-presidency of IAMCR because she embodies the values of kindness, dedication and collaboration. I am confident that under her leadership, IAMCR will continue to thrive and reach new heights of excellence and impact.

Submitted by mara.padilla on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 15:57


Rebeca Padilla, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México.

Karen has presented her ideas and proposals if she is elected as vice president. I support her interest in motivating the participation of more Latin American colleagues and in general of the Global South. In this matter, it is important, just as she has suggested, to enhance the presence of the Spanish language in IAMCR. I´m sure she will develop important initiatives to make this a reality.

Submitted by LauraNieto on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 19:57


Laura Nallely Hernández Nieto, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco

Respaldo a Karen Arriaza Ibarra para el puesto de vicepresidenta. Su amplia trayectoria da cuenta de su incansable trabajo en la investigación de medios audiovisuales.

Considero que ella es la mejor opción ya que es una persona dispuesta a colaborar con los y las colegas de diferentes países. Sé que hará un papel destacado ya que su liderazgo es una gran cualidad que posee.

Submitted by EGarcia de Torres on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 03:47


Elvira García de Torres

Elvira Garcia de Torres, member of IAMCR for more than 10 years and currently Chair of Ethics WG. This is to publicly endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice-president for her continued and very active compromise with IAMCR as Chair and Vice Chair of International Communication, her 12 years of honest dedication to this role as officer, as well as personal and academic merits. She has a full understanding of what the requirements are, she is hard-working and enthusiast and is fully aware of IAMCR needs as member, officer, member of the International Council and researcher at UCM and she would be an excellent asset for the Presidency. The number and high profile of the supporters of her candidacy, including prof. Daya Thussu speak for themselves. I have known Karen for a number of years and I am sure that if elected she will contribute to expand and improve the stand of IAMCR in the international arena of communication research, diversity and scientific excellence.

Submitted by EGarcia de Torres on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 03:50


Elvira García de Torres

Elvira Garcia de Torres, member of IAMCR for more than 10 years and currently Chair of Ethics WG. This is to publicly endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice-president for her continued and very active compromise with IAMCR as Chair and Vice Chair of International Communication, her 12 years of honest dedication to this role as officer, as well as personal and academic merits. She has a full understanding of what the requirements are, she is hard-working and enthusiast and is fully aware of IAMCR needs as member, officer, member of the International Council and researcher at UCM and she would be an excellent asset for the Presidency. The number and high profile of the supporters of her candidacy, including prof. Daya Thussu speak for themselves. I have known Karen for a number of years and I am sure that if elected she will contribute to expand and improve the stand of IAMCR in the international arena of communication research, diversity and scientific excellence.

Submitted by mwu on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 22:26


M Wu President of APCEA

I want to truly endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice President of IAMCR. We invited her as one of the key note speakers of the Asia Pacific Communication Forum (APCF2023) at the University of Macau last year. She gave an excellent presentation on Globalism and Multiculturalism in the International Context Today, and she was also extremely close and kind with our audience, particularly with our PhD students. Her international background and domain of languages, her academic experience that involves many regions of the world, with a deep interest for the Asian culture, and her pleasant personality enable her to become an extraordinary Vice President of IAMCR.

Submitted by BHamada on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 09:30


Basyouni Hamada, Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University

I am pleased to endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the Vice Presidency of IAMCR. I have known Karen for over a decade as a highly active and prominent international communication scholar. She has sincerely worked to bring together experts and academics from various parts of the world, supporting collaboration within the International Communication Section. Karen is a distinguished scholar in the field, dedicated to advancing authentic knowledge in communication studies. Her multicultural background makes her well suited for the role of Vice President of IAMCR.
Basyouni Hamada, Professor of Communication and Public Opinion, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.

Submitted by katerynakasianenko on Sat, 03/23/2024 - 06:07


Kateryna Kasianenko, Queensland University of Technology

I wanted to take this opportunity to endorse Professor Karen Arriaza Ibarra in her bid for the Vice Presidency of IAMCR. Karen is extremely dedicated to IAMCR, and every year she tirelessly does everything in her power to make the International Communication Section a nurturing and welcoming environment. She is a strong advocate for early career scholars and scholars from underrepresented backgrounds, and she always succeeds at building authentic and strong intellectual communities. I am confident she is the best candidate for this role.

Submitted by lpeschke on Sun, 03/24/2024 - 14:01


Lutz Peschke, Bilkent University, Ankara

When I was at a Horizon Europe project meeting in Madrid in January 2024, Karen invited me to give a guest lecture at her student seminar. I was deeply impressed by the way she advocates for the interests of students. Her commitment to young and aspiring academics is remarkable and makes her eminently qualified for the position of IAMCR Vice-President, which is why I am fully in favour of her election.

Submitted by JIlan on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 03:30


Jonathan Ilan, Senior Lecturer, Bar Ilan University, Israel

I am honored to endorse Prof. Karen Arriaza Ibarra for the position of VP. Karen has acquired a lot of experience as part of her role as Chair of the International Communication section. Her dedication and enthusiasm in contributing to a more inclusive association while inspiring scholars from various regions in the early years of their career are admirable. She will surely make an excellent Vice President of the IAMCR!

Submitted by sgunespeschke on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 05:49


Seldag Gunes Peschke

I support Karen as vice president from all my heart. First of all, she is a strong women who has been involved in IAMCR for many years. She was the Chair of the International Communication section.

She is a successful, hardworking and exemplary academic. It is clear from her CV that she will make great contributions to IAMCR as vice president. It is obvious that her open-minded, constructive and supportive character will reflect positively on the IAMCR management.

I am sure Prof. Karen Arriaza Ibarra, will make valuable contributions as vice president to IAMCR in the next years.
Prof. Dr. Seldağ Gunes Peschke, Head of Comparative Law, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Submitted by chales96 on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 05:50


Chul-joo "CJ" Lee in the Department of Communication at Seoul National University

It is a great pleasure and honor for me to have a chance to endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra for Vice President of IAMCR.

As we all know, Karen has served for IAMCR for the past twelve years as Vice Chair and Chair. I highly admire her dedication and commitment to IAMCR.

I believe that she will keep dedicating herself to further internationalize IAMCR and promote the diversity of IAMCR. This is a great vision for both IAMCR and the discipline of communication. Thus, I think she will become an excellent vice president for IAMCR!

Submitted by GKaplun on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 19:56


Gabriel Kaplun

Votaré por Karen Arriaza Ibarra, que creo puede cumplir un buen papel representando a una amplia comunidad iberoamericana de investigadores de la comunicación.

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:38


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Karen could develop a good period as Vice President representing the ideas and proposals for more diversity and dialogue at the IAMCR Executive Board

Submitted by CMatos on Sun, 03/31/2024 - 16:39


Carolina Matos, City, University of London

I would like to endorse the candidacy of Karen for the vice-presidency of IAMCR and for the IC. That she can contribute to widen the diversity and inclusion to IAMCR of various scholars from various backgrounds. I wish her well in her role.

Submitted by Rumeng Cao on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 03:15


Rumeng Cao

I would like to endorse Karen Arriaza Ibarra as a candidate for IAMCR Vice-President. Best wishes!

Submitted by FMartin on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 00:25


Fiona R Martin

Having worked with Karen Arriaza Ibarra via the Public Service Media Policies working group I would like to thank her for her dedicated service to the organisation in the International Communications section. She has been an enthusiastic advocate for IAMCR's work and I wish her well in her candidacy for the IAMCR Vice President.

Submitted by XRamon on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 08:52


Dr Xavier Ramon

I would like to endorse the candidacy of Dr Karen Arriaza Ibarra as vice-president of IAMCR. I consider that her global vision, emphasis on diversity and openness to collaboration will contribute to strengthen the organization. I am confident she will do great work in this new position.

Submitted by JRMartin on Sun, 04/07/2024 - 23:15


Juan Ramos Martín, Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Language. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)

Me gustaría apoyar la candidatura de Karen para la Vicepresidencia de IAMCR como una persona comprometida y rigurosa, con una larga experiencia en puestos de gestión en la propia IAMCR, necesaria para el avance y consolidación de una agenda hispanohablante en la Asociación, así como el fortalecimiento de las relaciones entre diferentes regiones del mundo en un momento en el que, más que nunca, necesitamos la colaboración y solidaridad entre los pueblos.

I would like to support Karen's nomination for the Vice-Presidency of IAMCR as a committed and rigorous person, with a long experience in management positions in IAMCR itself, necessary for the advancement and consolidation of a Spanish-speaking agenda in the Association, as well as the strengthening of relations between different regions of the world at a time when, more than ever, we need collaboration and solidarity between peoples.