Usha Raman - Candidate for President

Usha Raman
Professor, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad, India

On this page, you will find Usha Raman's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Usha Raman, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

You must be an IAMCR member logged into your account to post an endorsement.


The last four years as Vice President of the IAMCR Executive Board have given me insights into the dynamics of keeping a global community of scholars together, nurturing an inclusive and welcoming environment for individuals across career stages and backgrounds. It has also given me a sense of what more needs to be done to make the IAMCR leadership even more participatory and responsive to the challenges of a rapidly changing world. IAMCR has been an intellectual home for those of us who reject historical hegemonies and wish to pursue the kind of research and teaching practice that addresses such structures of power. My own work around gender, digital inequalities and the future of work grapples with these questions, as does the scholarship of many of my colleagues in regions that have for long been seen as the periphery—even as such scholarship is now central to our discipline. Hegemonic structures of knowledge production and dissemination have kept many from participating fully in broader conversations. Being located in the non-West, I believe I can bring both perspective and experience to inform a more inclusive approach to leading IAMCR, and expanding its relevance to those who practice and study media and communications globally.


Los últimos cuatro años como Vice Presidenta del Comité Ejecutivo de la AIECS me han permitido comprender y apreciar las dinámicas necesarias para juntar a una comunidad de académicos, nutriendo un ambiente incluyente y que dé la bienvenida a individuos de todas las etapas de carrera y de todos los caminos. También me ha dado un sentido de lo que se necesita para que el liderazgo de la AIECS sea aún más participativo y responda a las necesidades de un mundo cambiante. La AIECS ha sido un hogar intelectual para aquéllos de nosotros que nos rehusamos a aceptar las hegemonías históricas y que preferimos construir las prácticas de investigación y enseñanza dirigidas a entender tales estructuras de poder. Mi propio trabajo sobre género, desigualdades digitales y el futuro del trabajo lidia con estas preguntas, así como lo hace la investigación de mis colegas en regiones que durante mucho tiempo han sido vistas como las periferias—inclusive ahora que nuestra contribución es central a nuestra disciplina. Las estructuras hegemónicas de producción y diseminación del conocimiento no han permitido que muchos participen de lleno en conversaciones más amplias. Al estar fuera del Occidente, considero que puedo traer perspectiva y experiencia para informar un liderazgo más incluyente en la AIECS, expandiendo su relevancia a quienes estudian y practican medios y comunicación globalmente.


Au cours des quatre dernières années, ma participation au sein du Conseil exécutif de l’AIERI, à titre de vice-présidente, m’a offert un aperçu sur la dynamique soutenant une communauté globale d’universitaires, en favorisant un environnement inclusif et accueillant destiné aux personnes venant de divers horizons et stades de carrière. Par ailleurs, cela m’a également permis de mieux cerner les moyens par lesquels on peut rendre la direction de l’AIERI encore plus participative et réceptive aux défis d’un monde en mutation rapide. L’Association a toujours été un foyer intellectuel pour ceux parmi nous qui rejetaient les hégémonies historiques et qui, par la suite, désiraient poursuivre les travaux de recherche et des pratiques pédagogiques traitant de telles structures de pouvoir. Je me suis confrontée aux mêmes questions dans le cadre de mes travaux portant sur le genre, l’inégalité numérique et l’avenir du travail. Il en est de même pour les études menées par de nombreux de mes collègues provenant des régions longtemps perçues comme périphériques. Et pourtant, ces axes se trouvent aujourd’hui au cœur de notre discipline. Les structures hégémoniques de production et de diffusion des connaissances ont empêché la pleine participation aux discussions plus élargies. En tant que membre ‘non-occidental’, je crois pouvoir apporter une orientation plus inclusive de la direction de l’AIERI, autant par ma perspective que par mon expérience. L’Association peut ainsi s’avérer plus pertinente pour ceux qui s’intéressent à la pratique et aux études en matière de médias et de communication à l’échelle mondiale.


在过去四年里,我担任国际媒介与传播研究学会(IAMCR) 执行委员会副主席,这使我充分理解了如何将全球学者团结在一起,为来自各个职业阶段和背景的学者营造一个包容和友好的环境。这也让我意识到还需要做更多工作,才能使这一社区更具参与性,更好地应对世界发展的变化与我们所面临的挑战。对于我们这些拒绝接受历史霸权、并希望通过研究和教学实践来解决此类权力结构问题的人来说,IAMCR 一直是我们的思想家园。这意味着,我们以不同的方式看待学术界,并利用我们所掌握的知识工具来改变我们看待、体验和干预世界的方式——在这方面,媒体与传播学可以提供很多帮助。尽管最近本学会有越来越多来自全球南方的学者加入,但从领导层尚未反映出这一转变。凭借多年来在印度和全球学术界的经验所获得的洞察力,我能为本学会带来更广阔的视角。

Nominations and supporting statements

Sadia Jamil, School of International Communications, University of Nottingham, China

Sandra Ristovska, University of Colorado Boulder, United States

Denize Araujo, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brazil

Professor Maria Michalis, University of Westminster, UK:

I am writing to enthusiastically endorse Usha Raman for President of the IAMCR. I was aware of her academic work many years before I have had the pleasure to work with her. I first met her when I was Secretary General of the IAMCR to plan the conference of the Association in Hyderabad, India in 2014. Following that, I have had the privilege to continue working closely with her as the Executive Board’s liaison in the Association’s Publications Committee which I am chairing. In short, I have known Usha for 10 years and I believe I am in a good position to express a view about her candidacy.

Usha is a do-er, committed to delivering results. She is full of energy and has a clear vision. Her calm and understated demeanour facilitates and contributes to the positive impact of her work. She was a key member of the Local Organising Conference Committee in Hyderabad, a conference that, as is always the case, presented an array of challenges that Usha and the local team managed to navigate and to successfully host the second conference of the Association in India and Central Asia, after a gap of nearly 30 years.

In the Publications Committee, Usha has again proved to be a team player, an excellent contributor and deft interlocutor between the Committee and the Executive Board. She has been making meaningful contributions on an array of issues and has often taken on additional responsibilities. I have never stopped being impressed by her original approach, unrelentless drive and consistent efforts to build bridges, find accommodating solutions and move things forward. Usha skilfully combines a problem-solving mindset with a strong vision, hard work and integrity while remaining true to the values she has been promoting throughout her academic career.
From the above brief exposition, you can see that Usha has worked tirelessly in various capacities for IAMCR. These roles and positions have given her the necessary knowledge and experience to lead the Association in an inclusive manner into its next phase, as presented in her statement. Usha’s personal and academic values and principles are perfectly in synch with what the IAMCR stands for. Usha possesses the drive, skills and vision to build on the work that has already gone into the Association by all of us members and to contribute to its further success. I strongly endorse Usha Raman to be the next President of the IAMCR.

Prof. Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho, Full Professor at Fluminense Federal University, Brazil:

For her experience in conducting activities along the current mandate and mobilizing efforts for the development of IAMCR worldwide, it’s very important to carry on this work for the benefit of the association.

Dr Aditya Deshbandhu, University of Exeter, UK:

I am writing this email to nominate Prof. Usha Raman for the post of the President in the forthcoming elections. I have known her (in the context of IAMCR) since she was head of the Local Organizing Committee of the Hyderabad conference in 2014 and have noticed her willingness to be actively involved in the body's decisions like with the institution of the Stuart Hall award at that very conference. Since then her commitment to making IAMCR "the venue" for meaningful research in Global South contexts has been key to the conference remaining a site of rigorous research and progress in the years of the pandemic and the challenges faced in Lyon. 

As IAMCR moves forward, its commitment to remaining an inclusive, democratic, and philosophically open space for discussion of challenging ideas and critiquing regimes that are increasingly overlooking tenets of cohabitation and peace becomes paramount and I can think of no other person to lead the body in this difficult time. Usha exemplifies the values of the IAMCR in her work and her willingness to listen to others' ideas while always remaining accountable for the decisions in her tenure.

Andrea Medrado, School of Media and Communication, University of Westminster, UK

It’s been a pleasure and an honour to work closely with Usha in these 4 years at the Executive Board. Usha is an inspiring scholar, researcher and person. She listens attentively to the concerns of the membership. She is also a generous mentor to the many students she has supervised and worked with. Usha has also done excellent work as the liaison of the Publications Committee. Recently, we have also been able to propose a plan that allows Section & Working Group Chairs and Vice-chairs to apply for travel grants to attend conference. This is an important first step towards more inclusivity and support to scholars and early career researchers, particularly those based in institutions of the Global South.

Anna Gladkova, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation

I have known Usha for over five years now and have been largely inspired by her enthusiasm, creativity, global vision and exception communication and research talents. I think Usha has contributed a lot to IAMCR becoming more global, inclusive and well-known association in the field of media and communication research worldwide over her term as IAMCR Vice President. On a more personal note, I am grateful to Usha for wonderful collaboration with Lomonosov Moscow State University as a guest lecturer and keynote speaker at the International conferences and events. I am wishing Usha continued success in everything she does and fully support her candidacy as IAMCR President.

Changfeng Chen
IC member of IAMCR
Professor, School of Journalism & Communication, Tsinghua University, China

I am writing to express my wholehearted endorsement of Usha Raman's candidacy for the position of President of IAMCR. Usha has not only demonstrated outstanding dedication and leadership in her current role as Vice President but has also exhibited exceptional qualities throughout her academic career.

As a Professor at the University of Hyderabad, India, Usha Raman has made significant contributions to the field of media and communication research. Her expertise, coupled with her commitment to advancing the goals of IAMCR, positions her as an ideal candidate for the role of President.

Having worked closely with Usha, I have witnessed her unwavering commitment to fostering international collaboration and promoting the diverse voices within our community. Usha's vision for the future of IAMCR is forward-thinking, inclusive, and aligns seamlessly with the organization's mission.

I wholeheartedly support Usha Raman's candidacy and believe she is the right person to lead IAMCR into the future. 

Devina Sarwatay
Presidential Fellow, City, University of London
United Kingdom

I am Devina, a long-standing member of IAMCR and presently co-Vice Chair of the Media Education Research (MER) section. With this statement, I nominate Prof. Usha Raman for the position of IAMCR President.

I first met Prof. Raman as a newly admitted PhD student at the Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad, India. Since she was the only one at the Department working in the area I wanted to pursue my doctoral research in, I approached her to be my supervising professor and, honestly, that was the best decision I could have made for my academic career! Not only is Usha ma'am a brilliant scholar, she is, I believe more importantly, one of the best human beings I have come across.

Knowledgeable and humble, eloquent and approachable, she is the kind of professor anyone would be blessed to have, and I aspire to become. From being a PhD student in India to now holding the Presidential Fellowship at City, University of London, United Kingdom, she has been my mentor, facilitator, collaborator, and guide every step of the way! Together, we have not only carried out award-winning research, but also built networks globally. She has brought the best out of me, just as she does with everyone around her, including my fellow doctoral scholars and colleagues at the Department as well as other Early Career and Senior Researchers who often turn to her for collaborations as well as counsel and support.

Her kindness and generosity are immense and reflect in her approach to critical scholarship, whereby she not only engages with research and outreach that work towards bettering inclusion and equity, but she is also unafraid of espousing these causes of social justice. In a world increasingly fraught with precarity and de/insensitivity, we need more scholars like Prof. Raman who maintain their composure and offer an empathetic, measured, and fair response to the challenges around us. These are all qualities I want my IAMCR President to have and this is why we need Prof. Usha Raman in the chief leadership role at IAMCR.

I strongly endorse her candidature for President and encourage everyone to vote for her.

Elske van de Fliert
IAMCR Treasurer
The University of Queensland, School of Communication and Arts, Australia

Hereby, I would like to nominate Usha Raman for the position of President and Andrea Medrado for the position of Vice-President 2024-2028. I had the pleasure of working with both of them in the 2020-2024 Executive Board and believe they are highly capable and committed to furthering the mission of IAMCR, and particularly to making it a more diverse and inclusive association. I also believe that it is vital that the 2024-2028 EB will have members from the previous Board who can carry successful strategies through to the next period, while revamping strategies that were less effective.

Kanchan K. Malik
University of Hyderabad, India

Professor Raman's academic contributions to Media and Communication Research and her commendable service as the Vice-President of IAMCR make her a deserving candidate for the role of President.

Pradip Thomas
University of Queensland, Australia

I am delighted to nominate Prof. Usha Raman for the post of President, IAMCR. If she is elected, she will be the first woman from the South to head the IAMCR – a major achievement in itself and a signal to the rest of the world of the inclusive, progressive agenda at the heart of the IAMCR. As a VP of the IAMCR, Usha has demonstrated time and again the benefits of clear thinking and a quiet, understated approach to dealing with the intellectual, administrative and strategic challenges faced by IAMCR in a context in which the relevance of IAMCR as a professional communications association requires re-visioning and restating. Usha in her role as VP has been involved in exploring critical issues linked to IAMCR including the imperative of Open Access. She has played an important role in the Task Force on the Global Alliance for Media and Gender while also being involved in the IAMCR History project and reviewing the work of Sections and Working Groups. In this sense Usha is close to the beating heart of IAMCR and knows the association and its membership. The next President of IAMCR will work in a context characterised by rapid political and technological change – a context that requires a person with the knowledge and sensibility to navigate the currents and position IAMCR as a relevant, thinking, global association that has the nous to make a difference.

Those of you who know Prof. Raman will recognise the fact that beneath her unassuming and quiet exterior, there is an extraordinary intellect, a committed scholar, a public intellectual involved in exploring key media issues that have both local and global purchase, an intellect who is happy to debate and discuss and provide leadership in dealing with the world’s most pressing issues related to media, communication and the digital. One of Prof Raman’s key strengths is her openness to new ideas and new thinking. Most importantly though, she is by her very nature an inclusive person, and her inclusive leadership will ensure that IAMCR lives up to its principles as a truly international organisation, welcoming of all. Prof Raman has made major contributions to feminist media studies, media and children and digital cultures and has played a pioneering role in communicating these concerns to the public through a variety of media interventions.

I am sure that there are many friends of IAMCR who would agree that what the association needs at this moment in time is stable, inclusive leadership, someone with vision and a pragmatic approach to dealing with the challenges faced by a global association. Usha fits the bill.


Submitted by VPavarala on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 02:44


Vinod Pavarala, UNESCO Chair on Community Media, University of Hyderabad

I have known Usha as a friend and colleague for over two decades now. Quite apart from her remarkable distinctions as a popular teacher, capable researcher, understanding mentor, and able administrator, qualities on which others have commented, she is quite simply the nicest human being I have known. She is kind and gentle, sensitive, generous, and invariably empathetic to the underdog. Her sense of fairness and justice towards fellow humans as well as to the natural environment are legendary.

She is not the one to shirk work and responsibility ever; in fact, the term ‘multitasking’ must have been invented to describe her. I have no doubt that she will work relentlessly to sustain IAMCR as a professional-organisation-with-a-heart in an increasingly difficult global environment. At a time when one encounters people spouting the rhetoric of the Global South even as they enjoy their privileged metropolitan academic spaces, I am confident that Usha, with her location in India, will bring in a more genuine concern for the state of academic research in the more deprived areas of the world and will leverage the organisational resources to strengthen the capacities of scholars and early career researchers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

IAMCR is an organisation that historically assumed a critical outlook toward the world of media and communication, and the work of many of its members interrogates structures of power and inequality, and strives for a more democratic and peaceful world. It will be truly an honour for such an organisation and its membership to elect Usha Raman as its President.

Submitted by ajena on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 08:35


Aniruddha Jena, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur

I am excited to endorse Prof. Usha Raman for IAMCR President. Over seven years of knowing her, I have witnessed her outstanding dedication to teaching, research, mentorship, and administration, but it's her compassion and commitment to social justice that truly distinguish her. Our journey began during my PhD at the University of Hyderabad, where her transformative impact was evident. Her ability to amplify the voices of the marginalized, especially in the Global South, is commendable.

Her tireless energy and adept multitasking abilities have inspired many, including myself. Whether teaching, researching, or advocating, she does so with determination. Her understanding of the challenges facing scholars in disadvantaged regions positions her perfectly to lead IAMCR, ensuring its critical stance on power structures and inequality persists.

Under her leadership, I am sure that IAMCR will continue its mission for a more democratic and just world. Prof. Raman's presidency would highlight IAMCR's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility. I urge all IAMCR members to support Prof. Usha Raman's candidacy. Her election would not only honour her achievements but also propel IAMCR forward in championing the values we hold dear.

Submitted by CMagallanes-Blanco on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:16


Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, MEXICO

I endorse the candidature of Usha Raman as President of the Executive Board of IAMCR. Professor Raman is a leading scholar in the field of media and communications. She has done a terrific job as Vice-Chair of the EB for the past term and I think there is a need for continuity within IAMCR to strengthen the association. Usha Raman has experience with organizing the annual conference of IAMCR, having done a wonderful job co-organizing the one in 2014.
I also believe it is vital that IAMCR is led by a woman from the Global South, someone who can bring an intersectional approach to the association as well as experience and an ethical position.
I call for IAMCR members to vote for Usha Raman as President of the EB.

Submitted by NCarpentier on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 18:32


Nico Carpentier, IAMCR president

I hereby endorse Usha Raman for the position of IAMCR president. I worked with her during my presidency, when she was vice-president, but also when she was the key organiser of the IAMCR conference in Hyderabad. I believe Usha has all the skills to be an excellent IAMCR president, with in particular a very strong sense of fairness, care and empathy. At the same time, she is a good and creative scholar, who knows the field well, and will further stimulate IAMCR’s growth and diversity.

Submitted by FKrotz on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:50


Friedrich Krotz, Centre for Media, Communication and INformation REsearch (ZeMKI), University of Bremen, Germany


Submitted by CAnyanwu on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 22:52


Chika Anyanwu

I would like to endorse Usha's nomination as IAMCR President. I have known Usha for many years as a member of IAMCR, especially after the wonderful Hyderabad conference where her leadership skills came to the fore. I have also witnessed her great achievements in the current EB. I strongly believe that with Usha's leadership skills and calm demeanor, we are ready to navigate the next chapter of IAMCR.

Submitted by ASuzina on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 06:10


Ana Cristina Suzina

I support Usha Raman for the presidency of IAMCR for her engagement with the diversity and global participation that we all expect from the association.

Submitted by FMusiani on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 17:38


Francesca Musiani

I am delighted to endorse Usha Raman as the next President of IAMCR. I have known Usha since the 2014 Hyderabad conference, and she is a wonderful person and scholar. Further, I would be delighted to see IAMCR's first woman president based in the Global South.

Submitted by EJ on Fri, 03/01/2024 - 01:28


Esha Jainiti

I am excited to nominate Prof. Usha Raman for the position of President, IAMCR. I met Prof. Raman online during COVID when I attended an FDP organsied by UoH and have been in touch with her since then.  Prof. Raman, is the most unassuming, knowledgeable, inclusive and humble human being. We need leaders like her. I fully endorse her candidature. 

Submitted by JWasko on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 14:51


Janet Wasko

I fully agree with the previous endorsements and enthusiastically support Prof. Usha Raman for the office of IAMCR President. She is a well-respected scholar, a prominent professor and admired leader.

I worked with Prof. Raman in planning the 2014 IAMCR conference in Hyderabad and found that she is not only competent and efficient – but gracious and good-natured. As noted in other endorsements, she has made significant contributions to the organization, not only as one of the current Vice Presidents, but in many other roles.

Prof. Usha Raman is eminently and exceptionally qualified to serve as the next IAMCR President and I unequivocally encourage you to vote for her!

Submitted by AMelo on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 12:32


Ana Duarte Melo

I support Usha Raman for president! She has been a major contributor to IAMCR. Besides her many achievements as a scholar, she exercises the difficult balance between a recognized leadership and a sensible and sensitive human being. Very important to keep us together and to strengthen our community.

Submitted by AMelo on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 12:33


Ana Duarte Melo

I support Usha Raman for president! She has been a major contributor to IAMCR. Besides her many achievements as a scholar, she exercises the difficult balance between a recognized leadership and a sensible and sensitive human being. Very important to keep us together and to strengthen our community.

Submitted by WRizvi on Sun, 03/10/2024 - 06:20


Wajiha Raza Rizvi

I wanted to thank you for synergizing situations for Pakistani researchers to participate in IAMCR 2013 - Hyderabad Conference based on the principles of equity and equality. I also thank you for all your support for Gender and Communication Section over the years.

Submitted by arkapravachatt… on Wed, 03/13/2024 - 03:49


Dr Arkaprava Chattopadhyay

Best of Luck Madam.

Submitted by JNoske-Turner on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 00:10


Dr Jessica Noske-Turner

I wholeheartedly endorse Usha Raman for President of IAMCR. Usha has been a committed and inspiring leader in her position as Vice President. Her vision for the future of IAMCR, focusing on open and inclusive spaces for critical scholarship, is as exciting as it is important.

Submitted by ragnedda on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 02:28


Massimo Ragnedda

I am happy to endorse Professor Raman for the esteemed position of President of IAMCR. Professor Raman's substantial academic contributions to the field of Media and Communication Research, coupled with her commendable service as the Vice-President of IAMCR, make her an exceptionally deserving candidate for this crucial role.

I believe that Professor Raman's experience, expertise, and unwavering commitment to the values of IAMCR make her an ideal candidate for the role of President. Her proven track record of leadership, combined with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our field, will undoubtedly guide IAMCR towards continued growth and success.

Submitted by Kulveen Trehan on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 15:22


Dr Kulveen Trehan USMC, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University , New Delhi

Prof. Raman's academic contributions, research credentials, and ability to collaborate globally make her an extremely worthy candidate for the post of President. I had the pleasure of working with her on a project and her ability to lead a diverse team with sensitivity and competence was admirable.
I endorse Prof. Usha Raman's candidature for the post of President as it would be great to see a Woman President from India

Submitted by BNimmagadda on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 03:43


Nimmagadda Bhargav, IIM Indore, India

I am honoured to endorse Prof Usha Raman for the IAMCR Presidential post. Having served as Vice-President of the IAMCR Executive Board for the past four years, Prof. Raman embodies the spirit of inclusivity and innovation essential for the Presidency. With a deep understanding of global scholarly dynamics and flows, she has cultivated a welcoming environment for scholars of all backgrounds, tirelessly advocating for more participatory and responsive leadership. Prof. Raman's educational background and accomplishments during her vice-presidential tenure exemplify her commitment to these principles. Her scholarly dedication to challenging historical hegemonies and addressing pressing issues such as gender disparities, digital inequalities, and the future of work underscores her commitment to advancing the IAMCR community and ensuring that voices from all regions are heard and valued.
Moreover, Prof Raman has a unique ability to bridge the academic and activist realms, actively engaging with issues concerning gender, environment, digital inequalities, pedagogy, and adult education. As her student, I can confidently affirm that electing her as the President of IAMCR would be a rewarding experience for emerging and established scholars and researchers worldwide.

Submitted by LWitteveen on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 08:53


Loes Witteveen.

Prof Usha Raman is a dedicated teacher and researcher and to me a well-respected and enthusiastic colleague. Since I worked with Usha in the Hyderabad conference and pre-conference of 2014, I experience her great contribution to the IAMCR community.
IAMCR PCR and IAMCR RUC align with her academic work and her professional dedication.
I am impressed that she is willing to continue with an active in role in IAMCR and look forward meeting again!

Submitted by smchugh on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 20:48


Siobhan McHugh, Associate Professor Journalism (Honorary), University of Wollongong Australia

I wholeheartedly support Usha Raman as President IAMCR. Her wide-ranging research interests, broad administrative experience at IAMCR and passionate commitment to inclusion and diversity augur well for this role, as do her common sense, empathy and humour. I'm also pleased to note her interest in podcast studies, a vibrant and fast-growing field of media comms, as indicated by our first Podcast Studies Roundtable event, as preconference to IAMCR 2024. Good luck Usha!

Siobhan McHugh,
Co-convenor, Podcast Studies Roundtable, IAMCR 2024 Preconference (MARS Working Group)

Submitted by CPadovani on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 05:23


Claudia Padovani, University of Padova

I am glad to express my support for Usha Raman as President of of the IAMCR. We've collaborated since the IAMCR Conference in Hyderabad, and I always admired her professional and open attitude, calm determination and commitment. Over the past years, we worked together mainly on publication projects, first on the Palgrave/IAMCR series and then in the context of the Publication Committee. This ongoing connection has proven even more Usha's dedication to the Association, but even more her caring attitude towards individual members and situations therein. I also highly appreciate Usha's forward looking vision of the IAMCR, open to diverse contributions, and as a hub to collect, share and disseminate different knowledges, with a special attention to the younger generation of scholars, to less privileged situations and communities, and to gender-related issues in communication ecosystems and in research. As Usha suggests, new approaches to research, flexible and open models for knowledge sharing should guide our future steps as a truly international community. Moreover I trust she will support the possibility for the IAMCR to expand its capacity to contribute beyond academic circles, to both policy-making settings and civil society interventions for fair and just communication.

Submitted by Soumya Jha on Fri, 04/05/2024 - 04:55


Soumya Jha, Bennett university, Greater Noida, India

I am writing to express my support for Usha Raman as President of the IAMCR.

Submitted by Hemant on Sat, 04/06/2024 - 07:22


Hemant, Central University of Haryana, India

I am delighted to endorse Usha Raman as the next President of IAMCR.

Submitted by Mde Bruin on Thu, 04/11/2024 - 09:24


Marjan de Bruin

I have worked with Usha for many years at various parts of the IAMCR. I admire her work, her patience, her way of listening, her ability to keeping a group together... her easy sharing of difficult issues and her knowledge which goes below the surface –just to mention a few. I certainly would like to nominate Usha Raman for the position of President.

Submitted by Mde Bruin on Thu, 04/11/2024 - 09:25


Marjan de Bruin

I have worked with Usha for many years at various parts of the IAMCR. I admire her work, her patience, her way of listening, her ability to keeping a group together... her easy sharing of difficult issues and her knowledge which goes below the surface –just to mention a few. I certainly would like to nominate Usha Raman for the position of President.

Submitted by Diwakar Shukla on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 17:52


Prof. Diwakar Shukla, Dean, Faculty of Journalism and Creative Studies, Jagran Lakecity University, India

I would like to endorse Dr.Usha Raman's nomination as IAMCR President.

She is one of the most profound scholar, mentor and media thinker. She brings a huge value, grace and calm to the position that she holds and I am sure under her watch IAMCR will scale new heights of impact, influence and contribution. I have known Prof.Usha through professional interactions and can confidently say, she is a perfect fit for the role of the President of IAMCR.