Follow the links below to the calls for papers of IAMCR's thematic sections and working groups.
You can also consult the conference's general call for proposals
The deadline to submit abstracts during the extraordinary reopening is 2 March 2020 at 23:59 UTC
- Audience - AUD
- Communication Policy & Technology - CPT
- Community Communication and Alternative Media - CAM
- Emerging Scholars Network - ESN
- Gender and Communication - GEN
- History - HIS
- International Communication - INC
- Journalism Research and Education - JRE
- Law - LAW
- Media, Communication and Sport - MCS
- Media Education Research - MER
- Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society - MPS
- Participatory Communication Research - PCR
- Political Communication Research - POL
- Political Economy - POE
Working Groups:
- Comic Art - COA
- Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies - CPN
- Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication - CRI
- Diaspora and Media - DIM
- Digital Divide - DID
- Environment, Science & Risk Communication - ESR
- Ethics of Society & Ethics of Communication - ETH
- Global Media Policy - GMP
- Health Communication - HEC
- Islam and Media - ISM
- Media Production Analysis - MPA
- Media Sector Development - MSD
- Music, Audio, Radio and Sound - MAR
- Popular Culture - POP
- Public Service Media Policies - PSM
- Religion and Communication - REC
- Rural Communication - RUC
- Visual Culture - VIC