Basyouni Ibrahim Hamada - Candidate for International Council

Basyouni Ibrahim Hamada
Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University

On this page, you will find Basyouni Ibrahim Hamada's candidate statement, as well as endorsements posted by IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Basyouni Ibrahim, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in your message.

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IAMCR is our home where we convene and discuss our matters in a frank and transparent manner embracing the values of human brotherhood.  Communication lies at the core of the ongoing transformative processes shaping every aspect of our lives either as a catalyst or as a consequence. In IAMCR, we need to work together regardless of language, race, ethnicity, religion, income, color and geographical location especially north or south to have a voice on how communication scholarship and media industry serve a safe, peaceful, productive and just world.  

My motivation to stand as a candidate of ICA is to strengthen the coherence of the association, promote knowledge production, and facilitate the exchange of experiences not only by holding conferences and publishing journals but also by networking with schools of communication, media industries and other global and local journalism and communication associations. I believe IAMCR has to host the true diversity of the world, the genuine values of inclusion, equity and transparency.  It should champion the genuine respect for the right to communicate, allowing the expression and practice of indigenous cultures and languages.

If I am elected, I would strive to achieve these goals and to make communication scholarship matters beyond the confines of the association. 


Submitted by Daya Thussu on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 07:40


Professor Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University

I am writing to support the candidature of Professor Basyouni Hamada for the International Council of the IAMCR, an organization with which Professor Hamada has had a long and very fruitful association. The IC and the association will benefit from his rich experience and expertise.

Submitted by KArriaza on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 22:39


Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University Madrid

I am very happy to endorse Professor Hamada as he is a very kind gentleman who has been a member of IAMCR for decades. His international experience, his academic trajectory and his principles of diversity and inclusiveness make him an ideal candidate for the International Council of IAMCR.

Submitted by THanitzsch on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 16:11


Thomas Hanitzsch

I fully support Professor Basyouni Hamada's candidacy for IAMCR's International Council. Professor Hamada is a dedicated member of this association, and he has a long and sustained record of international collaboration with colleagues from all around the world. His regional expertise yet global ethos will be a true asset to IAMCR's International Council.

Submitted by HAli on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 16:09


Habib Mohammad Ali, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

I am writing to support the candidature of Professor Basyouni Hamada for the International Council of the IAMCR. Professor Basyouni holds a long relationship with IAMCR with active contribution in media and communication education and research. His academic experiences, collaboration with local and global media scholars, contribution in knowledge development and passion for progressing media and communication studies for the betterment of the diverse communities across the world have marked him as an active and supportive media scholar. Therefore, he deserves this position in the International Council of IAMCR.
I believe his attachment will help us to work collectively in order to address upcoming challenges in our fields and beyond. I wish all the best with his endeavour to serve IAMCR.
Habib Mohammad Ali