Daya Thussu - Candidate for President

Daya Thussu
Honk Kong Baptist University

On this page, you will find Daya Thussu's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Daya Thussu, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

You must be an IAMCR member logged into your account to post an endorsement.


I am very honoured to be contesting for the President of the IAMCR, one of the oldest professional associations in our field. My membership goes back thirty years, including twelve on the International Council (2000-2012). I am currently Professor of International Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University, following many years at the University of Westminster, London. With a PhD in International Relations, I have authored or edited twenty books – the latest being Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication. I am founder editor of Global Media and Communication (Sage) and series editor for Routledge book series: Internationalizing Media Studies and Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies. The impetus for my academic work has been to internationalize our field to reflect transformational changes, especially in the global South. Connecting my Indian intellectual heritage with Western academic expertise and China experience equips me well to lead IAMCR, aiming to bridge the growing divides of a polarized world. If elected, I shall endeavour to broaden the remit of IAMCR, strengthen its relationship with other regional and national communication associations, expand membership to make IAMCR more representative and procure resources for enhancing scholarships for excellence in research and for conference attendance.

Nominated by:

Peter Thompson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Peter Lunt, University of Leicester, UK

Kalyani Chadha, Northwestern University, United States

Winston Mano, University of Westminster, UK

Anthony Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University, Spain

Ole J. Mjøs, University of Bergen, Norway

Dal Yong Jin, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Basyouni Hamada, Qatar University

Peng Hwa Ang, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Frank Morgan, Past President of IAMCR

Terry Flew, The University of Sydney, Australia

Zahera Harb, City, University of London, UK

Surbhi Dahiya, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, India

Deqiang JI, Communication University of China

Levi Obonyo, Daystar University, Kenya

Fiona Martin, University of Sydney, Australia

Elena Vartanova, Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism, Russian Federation:

I am pleased to recommend Professor Daya K. Thussu for the position of IAMCR President.

I have known Professor Thussu for several decades, meeting him at various international conferences, research seminars and events worldwide. Professor Thussu is a truly well-known scholar. His research publications including ‘International Communication: Continuity and Change’, ‘BRICS Media. Reshaping the Global Communication Order?’ (co-edited with Kaarle Nordenstreng), and others have inspired many students and scholars to study BRICS media systems, with their unique characteristics and constantly changing nature, as well as international communication in various cultural and social contexts.

As Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and former chair of the Digital Divide Working Group in IAMCR, I have always admired Professor Thussu’s professionalism and enthusiasm in everything he does, along with his truly global vision, his creativity and motivation, which make him an example to his students and colleagues. I was happy to meet him in-person and virtually at the Moscow Readings conference organized by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, where Professor Thussu was a keynote speaker in 2020 and 2023, and I am looking forward to developing further collaboration with him in the future.

I believe that Professor Thussu’s professionalism in teaching and research, his excellent communication skills, motivation, enthusiasm and creativity, as well as his devotion to the media and communication fields make him a perfect candidate for the position of IAMCR President. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Professor Jairo Lugo-Ocando, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates:

Professor Thussu Professor Thussu is committed to internationalizing media research and perspectives and has a track record providing support and inclusion for scholars from all corners in the world. He is a well-known name in the scholarly world and has been very active over the years in supporting the consolidation and growth of IAMCR.

If that would not be enough good reasons, he has also actively advocated for IAMCR as a true representative organization for those of us based in the Global South, which is far more inclusive and broad than other similar organizations. He has individually and collectively been a strong voice for IAMCR wherever he has been, has supported and foster collaborative networks within the organization and, in addition, has been very strategic in underpinning key initiatives of IAMCR.

On a more personal level, Professor Thussu has dedicated his academic life promoting and supporting junior scholars from developing countries while having a strong presence and projection as a scholar and IAMCR advocate in the Global Noth. Consequently, I feel that during his presidency, the IAMCR will have a greater chance to reach to areas of the world in which is not sufficiently present today while consolidating its existing membership and activities.

Svetlana S.Bodrunova, Prof., D.Polit.Sci., St.Petersburg State University, Russian Federation:

I have known Professor Thussu for over ten years, have hosted his keynotes at our School, and have witnessed his numerous presentations at major international conferences, including IAMCR ones, of course. For decades, Daya has been committed to equality in science and de-westernization in media research; his contribution to communication and media studies as book series and journal editor is invaluable and has already become part of history of our science. His warm personality, attention to younger scholars, and willingness to collaborate are part of my best memories received during my career. I truly believe that Daya's academic experience, rigor in research, ideas in how communication studies are to be organized and conducted, and international recognition in both Western and non-Western academia are a perfect fit to the IAMCR goals and will enrich the association's  appeal around the world.

Yik Chan Chin, Beijing Normal University, China:

Professor Daya Thussu is Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University and well known scholar in the field of International Communication, and also a long term member of the IAMCR.  I trust he can lead the Association with his dedication, experience  and international vision.

Thomas Hanitzsch, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany:

As a member of IAMCR I take the liberty of nominating Dr. Daya Thussu (Hong Kong Baptist University) for the position of President of IAMCR in the upcoming association-wide election. In my view, given his exceptional standing in the discipline, long-standing commitment to IAMCR, and wide-ranging international experience as a leader in the field, Dr. Thussu is the perfect candidate for this position.


Submitted by SJamil on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 18:18


Dr. Sadia Jamil, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

Prof Daya is an inspirational international media scholar who possess strong leadership skills and vision to lead IAMCR. I support his candidacy as President.

Dr Lei Hao, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

I wholeheartedly endorse Professor Daya for IAMCR President, recognizing his exceptional international media scholarship, leadership, and visionary approach to future challenges in media and communication research. Prof. Daya's extensive contributions and inclusive leadership style promise to advance IAMCR's global impact and relevance in our rapidly evolving digital society.

Submitted by emanuelkombem on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 23:21


Prof. Emmanuel Ngwainmbi, author of 25 books

Listening to Prof. Daya Thussu's audiovisual message, presented in his own words, we can only support his vision to truly internationalize the IAMCR. Communication, by design, is equipped with engines to drive continents' creative lots to a place where socio-cultural and economic interconnections leapfrog our understanding of our environment and allow us to progress rapidly toward a more diverse and tolerant world. The emerging, re-emerging blind and naked forces that have plunged larger parts of our world into an abyss drenched in psychosocial-environmental tortures in this 21st Century can be squashed by the IAMCR, pregnant with sharp minds and effective communication professionals. Let's give Daya Thussu, the passionate, dedicated leader with over three decades of deep commitment to promoting knowledge-acquisition efforts in communication and managing various world-focused communication programs, a chance to lead the IAMCR as we begin the second quarter of our time in this very strategic 21st Century. Daya can lead the IAMCR to a better place.

Submitted by IAram on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 04:33


Arul Aram

I am Arul Aram, Professor from Anna University, Chennai, India. I recommend the candidature of Prof. Daya Thussu for the post of President, IAMCR. A person of Indian origin who has been an academic in England for long and later in China. He is well connected with varied racial and regional academics and, above all, maintains a high quality of discourse. He is a source of great inspiration for many a media scholar the world over. He definitely deserves the honour of being the President of the reputed organisation of IAMCR which has a true global profile. Normally, it is said that the West and the East hardly meets, but Daya is a point where it definitely does with his broad perspective, humaneness and intellect.

Submitted by IAram on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 04:33


Arul Aram

I am Arul Aram, Professor from Anna University, Chennai, India. I recommend the candidature of Prof. Daya Thussu for the post of President, IAMCR. A person of Indian origin who has been an academic in England for long and later in China. He is well connected with varied racial and regional academics and, above all, maintains a high quality of discourse. He is a source of great inspiration for many a media scholar the world over. He definitely deserves the honour of being the President of the reputed organisation of IAMCR which has a true global profile. Normally, it is said that the West and the East hardly meets, but Daya is a point where it definitely does with his broad perspective, humaneness and intellect.

Submitted by FMartin on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 07:53


Fiona R. Martin

As a digital media scholar based at the University of Sydney, I strongly endorse Professor Daya Thussu for IAMCR president. As one of the world’s leading scholars on global communication, Daya is an intellectual inspiration and an important voice on both the shifting geopolitics of media and communications and the emerging roles of the BRICS nations in the global order. He is the author of around 20 books, series editor of Routledge’s Internationalizing Media series, a long-standing IAMCR member and generous mentor to young academics.

Submitted by Kulveen Trehan on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 15:33


Dr Kulveen Trehan USMC, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University , New Delhi

Prof. Daya Thussu is one of the most distinguished scholars in international communication with several notable books (extremely popular reads) and scholarly works to his credit. I have had the pleasure of having conversations with him in several IAMCR conferences and every time I come back enriched and wanting to explore more. His global experience, deep understanding of diverse geographies, and long-standing association with IAMCR make him an extremely worthy candidate for the Post of the President. I find his vision inclusive and believe that he will be an excellent President.

Submitted by dishhamedhavi on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 01:19


Dishha Medhavi, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi

Prof. Daya Thussu embodies exemplary, inclusive, and principled leadership qualities that will greatly benefit our organization. In addition to his ongoing role as a thought leader, he possesses a unique ability to foster collaborations and cultivate synergies within sections, thereby driving organizational growth. I support his candidacy as President.

Submitted by Sneh Gupta on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 11:12


Sneh Gupta, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

I am honored to provide a resounding endorsement for Professor Daya Thussu, a distinguished academician whose contributions to the field are unparalleled. With a career spanning decades, his prolific publication record, and influential theoretical insights have shaped the intellectual landscape and inspired generations of scholars. Beyond his individual accomplishments, Professor Daya Thussu embodies the highest ideals of academic integrity, fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity, collaboration, and scholarly excellence. His leadership within the academic community serves as a beacon of inspiration for colleagues and students alike.

Submitted by CJames on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 15:04


Professor James Curran, Goldsmiths

I endorse Daya Thussu’s candidature for three reasons. He is a distinguished scholar. It is good to break with tradition and have a President outside the European-US orbit. He has a dynamic plan for the development of the IAMCR.

Submitted by mariusdragomir on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 19:43


Marius Dragomir, Director Media and Journalism Research Center, Lecturer Central European University (CEU) Vienna (Austria), Researcher University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

It's an honor as usual to support Prof Daya Thussu in everything he does. In this case, I am honored to support his candidature as President of IAMCR. I have known, followed and widely used Prof Daya Thussu's work for a long time as his his scholarly contribution to the field is enormous. At the same time, he is a wonderful human being, insightful, collegial, a good friend for all of us working in this field.

Submitted by asada817 on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 14:11


Dr. A.S.M. Asaduzzaman, Mass Communication and Journalism Dept., University of Dhaka

Professor Daya deserves this post because of his original contribution in the field of International Communication as well as for his administrative skill and amiable personality. I am glad to endorse him for the position of IAMCR president.

Submitted by EGarcia de Torres on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 03:10


Dr. Elvira García de Torres

Elvira García de Torres, member of IAMCR for almost 15 years and currently Chair of Ethics WG. I would like to support Prof. Daya Thussu’s candidacy for President od IAMCR. This is a long-standing institution in the field of communication and media research for decades all over the world. Prof. Thussu is an excellent candidate than meets all the requirements necessary to lead this organization and the quality standards, drive and internationalization that made IAMCR what it is today and face the challenges of a changing world. Because of the merits in his outstanding career in research -highlighted by so many supporters of the candidacy as well as the nominating colleagues’ profiles plus his commitment to IAMCR I fully endorse his candidacy and I much appreciate his step forward to continue Nico’s work and assume this challenging task.

Submitted by SFranks on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 04:27


Professor Suzanne Franks Department of Journalism, City, University of London

I have known him for a long time and I am delighted to endorse Daya for this important post. He has a distinguished record as an international scholar over many years with a remarkable range of publications and is extremely well connected throughout the field. He would be an excellent candidate to lead IAMCR during this turbulent period.

Submitted by CEdo on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 07:38


Concha Edo - Complutense University of Madrid

I am sending this message to support Professor Daya Thussu as president of IAMCR. His academic standing combined with his experience, international openness and leadership skills make him an excellent candidate.

Submitted by CPaterson on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 18:54


Professor Chris Paterson

I am pleased to add my endorsement of Daya, perhaps as one of the few who have witnessed his enthusiastic involvement with IAMCR over three decades. Through his scholarship, Daya is a well recognised leader in our field. He will be a wise and hard-working leader for the association.

Submitted by vasu on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 02:46


Dr. Vasupradha Srikrishna, Associate Professor, Communication Area, School of Innovation and Managaement (SoIM)

Professor Daya Thussu is a person who gives opportunity for all to thrive. He champions inclusivity, creating opportunities for scholars from diverse backgrounds to make a difference, both within IAMCR as well as within the global academic landscape. My time as a visiting scholar at Westminster University in 2012, under his tutelage, was an enriching experience. His prolific writing, fueled by remarkable intellectual prowess, has positioned him as a leading voice in communication studies. His open-door policy ensures accessibility, making him a leader approachable to all. Empathetic, energetic and effulgant; a wonderful human being, I wholeheartedly endorse Prof. Daya Thussu's candidacy for IAMCR Presidency.

Submitted by BHamada on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 08:58


Basyouni Hamada

It gives me pleasure to endorse Prof. Daya Thussu for the presidency of the IAMCR as his commitment to values that drive justice, equity, inclusivity and progress aligns perfectly with IAMCR's mission. Thussu is a leading intellectual scholar, a distinguished international communication professor adopting a multi-disciplinary vision of media and communication studies. His very well known books, articles and conferences’ contribution tell much about his understanding of the role of knowledge in creating a just world and balanced flow of news and perspectives. I fully support Thussu whose humble personality will be a key in uniting and leading the IAMCR for better future.
Basyouni Hamada, Professor of Communication and Public Opinion, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.

Submitted by JIlan on Sun, 03/24/2024 - 10:00


Jonathan Ilan. Senior Lecturer, Bar Ilan University, Israel

I am also extremely pleased to add my endorsement of Professor Daya Thussu's candidacy for the Presidency of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Apart from his excellent scholarly and leadership virtues, which others have already emphasized, Daya is also the nicest and kindest scholar, who always finds time for new scholars in the early stages of their careers. We first met when I was pursuing my Doctoral thesis at the University of Westminster and attended one of his courses on Global Media. But it was when we came across each other at the airport after the IAMCR conference in Montreal, waiting for our flight to depart, that made me realize how special he is. Daya, already a well-known and outstanding scholar, was kind enough to spend some time and encourage me, a young and somewhat frustrated scholar at the time. Others here have mentioned his leadership skills, his experience and excellent scholarship, and everything that was said about Daya before me is of course well deserved. But for me, it is those little moments that eventually illustrate what great candidates are made of. Daya, above all other things, is really a true inspiration as a human being, and it is my honor to endorse his candidature.

Submitted by SZhang 2 on Sun, 03/24/2024 - 23:55


Shixin Ivy Zhang from University of Nottingham Ningbo China

I am honored to endorse Prof. Daya Thussu, a truly world- renowned scholar in the field of media and communication. Under his leadership, IAMCR will play a more influential role in the academic community and step into a brand-new phase.

Submitted by akshukla26 on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 06:33


Aditya Kumar Shukla

As a member of IAMCR, I endorse Prof. Tussu for the President of the IAMCR. He is a progressive scholar of media studies. His works are famous Internationally. I hope that, under his presidency, IAMCR will achieve its objectives and aims.

Submitted by yan_fluffy on Wed, 03/27/2024 - 00:34


Wenyan Wang

I have known Professor Daya Thussu for almost 10 years since I was a student, he is a knowledgeable, extremely humble and elegant person who has been dedicated to researching communication and culture from a global perspective for many years. I believe with his dedication to work, his commitment to multiculturalism, his love for life and the world, he will lead IAMCR to a higher level in both Western and non-Western academia.

Submitted by BSen on Thu, 03/28/2024 - 16:24


Bish Sen

From Bish Sen, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon. I am pleased to endorse Daya Thussu's candidature for the position of President, IAMCR. Over the past many decades, Daya has been an extraordinary presence in the field of mass communications and global media studies: as a prolific researcher and author whose books have inspired generations of students and fellow academics; as a consistent champion of the Global South both at an institutional and intellectual level, and finally as a kind and generous colleague and mentor who has always gone the extra mile to help junior scholars and students. Daya will be an inspiring and efficient President for our organization and will carry it to greater heights.

Submitted by harshwardhani on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 00:18


Harshwardhani Sharma, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, India

I proudly endorse Daya Thussu for his invaluable contributions to international communication and the Global South. His vision and dedication inspire future generations, and I wholeheartedly support his continued impact in the field. Additionally, I extend my support to Prof. Thussu for the IAMCR presidency, confident in his ability to lead with excellence and inclusivity.

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:31


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Daya has international experience and enough skills to manage IAMCR and stimulating the participation of the members

Submitted by yuxiang1989 on Sun, 03/31/2024 - 22:51


Yu Xiang

I am honored to endorse Professor Daya Kishan Thussu for the esteemed position of president of IAMCR. Professor Thussu's extensive scholarly work, which spans across critical global media studies, international communication, and the digital media landscape, positions him as a visionary in our field. Under Professor Thussu's leadership, I am confident IAMCR will thrive, embracing innovation and diversity to further our understanding and impact in media and communication research.

Submitted by TRosas-Moreno on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 12:49


Tania C Rosas-Moreno

It is my great honor to support Professor Daya Thussu for IAMCR president! It is primarily through my IAMCR association that I have known Dr. Thussu for many years. Not only is he an incredibly kind and gracious individual, but he also is a tremendous scholar. I have relied upon his works in my undergraduate and graduate courses in international communications to help students begin to understand the nuances and complexities of global communications. With his firm and visionary grasp of global cultures and information systems, I am confident he will wisely, sensitively, and accurately guide this marvelous institution. Dr. Daya Thussu for IAMCR president!

Submitted by Dhyan Singh Singh on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 12:52


Dr. Dhyan Singh

I am very pleased to endorse the name of the Prof. Daya Thusu for the post of president at IAMCR. I am very much influenced with his research works on verious important issues.

Submitted by CTulloch on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 14:27


Dr. Christopher D. Tulloch

Daya Thussu has the vision that matches the IAMCR remit. A first rate scholar, an enthusiatic colleague and an inspiration for those of us who teach Global Communication.

Submitted by BPindayi on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 19:52


Brian Pindayi, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Prof Daya Thussu is a visionary leader and scholar whose warm personality, pleasant temperament and progressive outlook is noteworthy and deserving of support.

Submitted by Lancelot447 on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 05:26


Professor Pengliang Yu, Ningxia University, China

Professor Daya is a well-known scholar in the international media field. He has published many influential monographs and made great contributions to the research of international communication. I would like to recommend Professor Daya as President of IAMCR.

Submitted by AMarwan on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 09:21


Dr Amir Hamza Marwan, Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Pakistan

Prof. Daya Kishan Thussu is an exceptional individual, a highly influential scholar, and an experienced researcher. As a human, I perceive him as a modest individual who consistently extends assistance to others and consistently attentively listens to you. The ability to maintain humility in the face of several achievements and accomplishments is a commendable indication of an individual's refined character.

I recognised him as one of the few individuals in the professional realm who consistently demonstrates genuine appreciation for one's commendable work and innovative ideas while also offering unwavering support and guidance in navigating the correct trajectory. He is consistently available during times of necessity. He is easily accessible. The significance of accessibility in contemporary society is considerable. He possesses a temperament that is commensurate with the role of the president.

Professor Thussu has made a significant and influential contribution to the subject of media and communication. His writings consistently have substantial content. In today's world, where quality is declining in every domain, it is of utmost importance. A sane voice is required. A candidate possessing both substance and vision is required. We require a president who possesses a deep understanding of the significance of a genuine research culture and is also adept at implementing it. Professor Thussu's influence is deeply embedded in various domains of media and communication, encompassing war studies, conflict studies, soft power, terrorist studies, geopolitics, and the evolving media landscape of the global south.

Let's express gratitude towards individuals such as Professor Daya Kishan Thussu, who decided to make a meaningful contribution to our professional lives despite their demanding academic and research commitments. These refined individuals require our assistance, and we should support such deserving individuals! As a Pakistani, I wholeheartedly endorse Professor Thussu's candidature for the position of president. My vote is for “change”! My vote is for the “best fit,” my vote is for the "global south”, and my vote is for my "profession"!

May you shine, Professor Thussu!!!

Submitted by DNjoroge on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 10:31


Dorothy Njoroge

I believe Daya would make a wonderful president - his work has shaped my thinking and work and I believe he'll steer IAMCR in the right direction.

Submitted by 23483520@life… on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 14:41


Qingyuan Zhao, HongKong Baptist University, HongKong

As a former student of Daya, I am honoured to have been a member of Daya's course, and I have learned a great deal from Daya's rich theoretical knowledge and broad international outlook. He also has many publications and research projects and has worked tirelessly in his field. His personality is humble and gentle. I enjoyed interacting with him, and his courses are valuable memories. He has all the qualities required of a President, whether in terms of academic ability, international outlook or personal character. I highly recommend Prof Daya to everyone!

Submitted by JackLiu on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 07:38


Prof. Jack Kangjie Liu, GDUFS

I do support Prof. Daya Thussu. He is the best candidate for the President of IAMCR. He is a visionary leader and his scholarship is known worldwide. He brings positive energy in any organisation he works for. I know him as a Professor for almost 10 years, and am sure he can bring something to us.

Submitted by Xuan LUO on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 10:30


xuanLUO,Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC) ,China

Professor Daya’s extensive research in the field of media studies and his dedication to the advancement of communication research make him an ideal contributor to this prestigious gathering.

Professor Daya has been a leading figure in media and communication research. His numerous publications, which include articles in top-tier journals, book chapters, and a well-received monograph on the democratization of media, reflect a rigorous analytical approach paired with an insightful understanding of contemporary communication issues.

In light of his scholarly contributions and the value he brings to academic discussions, I wholeheartedly support Professor Daya's position as IAMCR President.

Submitted by Xuan LUO on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 10:30


xuanLUO,Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC) ,China

Professor Daya’s extensive research in the field of media studies and his dedication to the advancement of communication research make him an ideal contributor to this prestigious gathering.

Professor Daya has been a leading figure in media and communication research. His numerous publications, which include articles in top-tier journals, book chapters, and a well-received monograph on the democratization of media, reflect a rigorous analytical approach paired with an insightful understanding of contemporary communication issues.

In light of his scholarly contributions and the value he brings to academic discussions, I wholeheartedly support Professor Daya's position as IAMCR President.

Submitted by JStraubhaar on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 21:25


Joseph Straubhaar

Daya has been an outstanding leader and proponent of international and global media research. I have seen him in a number of situations where his ideas and leadership were transformational for the project or discussion. I strongly support his candidacy.

Submitted by venugopalgowda on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 02:14


Dr. Venugopal Gowda M K, Head of the Department, Post-Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Philomena`s College, Mysuru, Karnataka

I wholeheartedly endorse Professor Daya K. Thussu for the position of President of IAMCR. His extensive experience and expertise in international communication, geopolitics, soft power, and global media make him an outstanding candidate for this role. As a distinguished scholar, accomplished author, and visionary academic leader, Prof. Thussu has demonstrated exceptional dedication to advancing the field of communication studies. His contributions as a researcher, educator, and mentor have had a profound impact on the international communication community. I believe that his leadership will further enhance IAMCR's mission and impact in shaping global media discourse and scholarship.

Submitted by XiaolingZhang on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 23:12


Xiaoling Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Prof. Thussu's outstanding contributions to the field of media and communication research are unparalleled. His scholarly work, spanning decades, has not only enriched academic discourse but has also offered profound insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of global media. I have no doubt that Prof. Daya Thussu's presidency would bring about positive and transformative change within IAMCR, benefiting its members and advancing the field as a whole.

Submitted by JJY on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 02:45


Dr. JING Jiayi, Assistant Professor, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

I am happy to provide an endorsement for Professor Daya Thussu's candidature for IAMCR President. Prof. Daya Thussu is one of the most prestigious scholars in the field of international communication in the world. His works and ideas are popular among Chinese researchers. He is also very keen on academic exchanges, and would like to build platforms for scholars from different culture backgrounds, in which we have benefited a lot. I sincerely hope that he can serve the President position and bring new version and energy to IAMCR.

Submitted by Viola Gjylbegaj on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 06:08


Viola Gjylbegaj, Assistant Professor of Mass Communication, Abu Dhabi University, UAE

I am delighted to offer my full endorsement of Prof. Daya Thussu's candidacy for the Presidency of IAMCR. Prof. Thussu stands out as an exemplary candidate for this esteemed position. His visionary leadership qualities, coupled with his renowned scholarship recognized on a global scale, make him the ideal choice to lead IAMCR into the future.

Submitted by giginegro on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 08:00


Gianluigi Negro (Associate Professor - University of Siena - Italy)

I support Daya Thussu for the office of President of the IAMCR. I had the privilege of working with Daya during two editions of the EU-China Dialogue. Media and Communication Summer School both in Switzerland and in China.
Daya's pedagogical qualities, his exceptional reputation in the discipline and his incredibly inclusive approach are the best prerequisites for his candidacy for the presidency of the IAMCR.

Submitted by Zixin LI on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 05:59


Zixin Li, Hong Kong Baptist University

I wholeheartedly endorse Daya Thussu's candidacy for IAMCR. His academic research and teaching are exemplary, and I believe he will make significant contributions to the development and promotion of IAMCR.

Submitted by ANguyen on Thu, 04/11/2024 - 05:32


Professor An Nguyen

IAMCR and its community would benefit immensely from Daya Thussu's vast expertise, integrity and vision. I would second what others have said above.

Submitted by IKatsirea on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 04:58


Irini Katsirea

I have known Professor Daya Thussu both as a rigorous but very kind external PhD examiner and an excellent scholar, and would like to fully endorse him for the position of IAMCR President.

Submitted by Mao Wanyi on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 06:56


Mao wanyi (postgraduate) from Wuhan University

Prof. Daya Thussu is an excellent researcher, I have read lots of his works, he has deep insights on international communication. His scholarly contributions in the field of Communication and media studies are valuable and noteworthy. I am pleased to endorse him for the position of IAMCR President.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:01


Yiqun Geng

Professor Thussu is my most admirable scholar in communication studies for his incomparable research from a non-western perspective. His brilliant contributions to the global academic world have great influence on scholars worldwide.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:01


Yiqun Geng

Professor Thussu is my most admirable scholar in communication studies for his incomparable research from a non-western perspective. His brilliant contributions to the global academic world have great influence on scholars worldwide.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:01


Yiqun Geng

Professor Thussu is my most admirable scholar in communication studies for his incomparable research from a non-western perspective. His brilliant contributions to the global academic world have great influence on scholars worldwide.