Philippe J. Maarek - Candidate for International Council

Philippe J. Maarek
Emeritus Professor of Fontainebleau - UPEC Institute of Political Studies

On this page, you will find Philippe J. Maarek's candidate statement, as well as endorsements from IAMCR members.

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A longstanding IAMCR member, I was Vice-Chair, then Chair, of its Political Communication Research Section. Afterwards, I dedicated my service for our organization as Chair of its Legal Committee. I was thus able to help devise our changes of statutes, by-laws and election systems, working closely with Annabelle Sreberny, Janet Wasko, and now Nico Carpentier.

After a PhD on “Cinema and Political Communication”, I specialized in Political Marketing and Elections, with, among others, a comprehensive textbook published in French (LexisNexis), English (John Libbey later Wiley Blackwell) and Spanish (Paidos /Planeta).

After nearly 25 years of full professorship and cofounding a Political Communication Department, I decided last year to retire, rather early. Research is nevertheless on, with a Springer book recently published, “Manufacturing Government Communication on Covid-19”, another in print in France on the 2022 French Presidential Election, and an associate editorship of “Communications, the European Journal of Communication Research”. As emeritus professor, I wish to continue serving IAMCR in order to reinforce the International Council with my experience in our organization, and to help transmit its values and strengths, its dedication to research in a safe and diverse place.


Como miembro de la AIECS desde hace mucho tiempo, fui vicepresidente y luego presidente de su Sección de Investigación en Comunicación Política. Posteriormente, dediqué mi servicio a nuestra organización como Presidente de su Comité Jurídico. De este modo pude ayudar a idear nuestros cambios de estatutos, reglamentos y sistemas electorales, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con Annabelle Sreberny, Janet Wasko y ahora Nico Carpentier.

Después de un doctorado en “Cine y Comunicación Política”, me especialicé en Marketing Político y Elecciones, con, entre otros, un libro publicado en francés (LexisNexis), inglés (John Libbey más tarde Wiley Blackwell) y español (Paidos /Planeta).

Después de casi 25 años de cátedra titular y de cofundar un Departamento de Comunicación Política, el año pasado decidí jubilarme, antes del limite de edad. No obstante, la investigación continúa, con un libro publicado recientemente por Springer, “Manufacturing Government Communication on Covid-19”, otro impreso en corso en Francia sobre las elecciones presidenciales francesas de 2022 y como Editor asociado de “Communications, the European Journal of Communication Research”. Ahora profesor emérito, deseo seguir sirviendo a la AIECS para reforzar el Consejo Internacional con mi experiencia en nuestra organización, y ayudar a transmitir sus valores y fortalezas, su dedicación a la investigación en un lugar seguro y diverso.


Membre de longue date de l’AIERI, j’ai été vice-président, puis président, de sa Section de Recherches en Communication politique. Par la suite, j'ai consacré mon investissement dans notre organisation à la présidence de son Comité juridique. J'ai ainsi pu contribuer à l'élaboration de nos changements de statuts, de nos règlements intérieurs, et de nos modalités électorales, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec Annabelle Sreberny, Janet Wasko et maintenant Nico Carpentier.

Après mon Doctorat d’État, « Cinéma et communication politique », je me suis spécialisé en Communication et Marketing politique, avec, entre autres, un manuel publié en Français (LexisNexis), en Anglais (John Libbey puis Wiley Blackwell) et en Espagnol (Paidos /Planeta).

Avec près de 25 ans de professorat et après avoir cofondé un Département de Communication politique, j’ai décidé l’année dernière de prendre ma retraite, avant l’âge limite, me concentrant dorénavant sur la recherche. J’ai récemment publié chez Springer, « Manufacturing Government Communication on Covid-19 », un ouvrage sur l’élection présidentielle française de 2022 est sous presse, et je suis « Asssociate editor » de la revue « Communications, the European Journal of Communication Research ». Maintenant professeur émérite, je souhaite continuer à m’investir dans l’AIERI afin de conforter son Conseil international par mon expérience au sein de notre organisation, et de contribuer à transmettre ses valeurs et ses forces, sa dédication à la recherche dans un lieu sécuritaire et diversifié.


Rodrigo Cetina-Presuel, UPF Barcelona School of Management, Spain

It is my pleasure to endorse Prof. Philippe J. Maarek for IAMCR´s International Council. Prof. Mareek needs no introduction as a scholar, with a career devoted to political communication in which he has published several relevant works and made significant contributions to the discipline in France and internationally.

Philippe is a long-standing member of IAMCR and has, for years, contributed his work to the International Council, most recently as head of the Legal Committee, for which he seeks reelection. I have had the pleasure of working closely with Phillipe as part of the International Council myself, as one of the chairs of the IAMCR Law Section, and most recently on the Ethics task force. Philippe is always a voice of reason and a voice in favor of carefully laid procedures with great knowledge of the bylaws of the association and most importantly, of what makes IAMCR, IAMCR.

Over the years I have been a member of IAMCR I have been witness to his contributions to the governance of IAMCR and the improvements he has spearheaded, among them, the clarification of the election rules for Sections and Working groups and the successful, but certainly not easy, transition to an electronic voting system. I think he has also made very valuable contributions to update IAMCR rules and procedures that put the organization in a better position to respond to the challenges the organization will face going forward.

This is why I wish to endorse Prof. Philippe Mareek for IAMCR´s International Council and respectfully ask my fellow IAMCR members to give him their confidence and vote.

Andrea Medrado, University of Westminster, UK

I wanted to endorse Philippe Maarek’s candidacy for the International Council. Philippe has been a long-term active member of IAMCR. Heading the association’s Legal Committee, Philippe has done excellent work to ensure that our statutes and election rules are clear, fair and transparent. I wanted to highlight our collaboration working on the Section and Working Group Election rules, which now allow for online voting, ensuring greater participation for our members. I have worked overseeing the elections for the past 4 years, and they have run smoothly. I can confidently say that Philippe’s work on the Legal Committee has been key to making this happen. If elected, I am confident that Philippe will be an excellent and dedicated member of the International Council.

Claudia Padovani, SPGI - University of Padova, Italy

Philippe Maarek is a long standing member of our association since 1992, where he’s contributed to promote forward looking research in Political Communication Section and where he currently heads the Legal Committee. He has also served on various task forces, councils and committees of International organizations, is widely known for his research on Campaign Communicationhas published in world acknowledged journals and has contributed to develop Political Communication also in teaching and education.  As an IAMCR member for a long time, I believe he has the knowledge, understanding and the memory that can be assets for a gathering like the International Council which will welcome many new members. At the same time, he’ll contribute to connect forthcoming endeavours by the International Council with existing committees, task forces and individuals within the association, so as to strengthen the IAMCR's capacity to perform its mandate in the best way, and to face the new challenges of communication research, also building on past experiences.


Submitted by NCarpentier on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 09:29


Nico Carpentier

Philippe has played, as chair of the Legal Committee (one of the International Council's standing committees), a vital role in the organization, e.g., in enabling the institutional reforms of the past four years, which fundamentally increased the levels of internal democracy. Moreover, he has proven to be readily available to provide legal/regulatory support to IAMCR members, for instance the S/WG Heads, whenever needed. I trust that his continued role within the International Council will be highly appreciated during the next term as well.

Submitted by FKrotz on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:54


Friedrich Krotz, Centre for Media, Communication and INformation REsearch (ZeMKI), University of Bremen, Germany

He knows what to do, an cares for democracy, orden and communication.

Submitted by TJacobson on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 13:18


Thomas Jacobson

Philippe Maarek has been an untiring supporter of the Association's work since I can remember, as head of the Political Communication Section and as Chair of the Association's Legal Committee. His clear thinking about both substantive and legal matters concerning the Association has been invaluable. He will be an important to the International Council moving forward.

Submitted by AMelo on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 15:38


Ana Duarte Melo

He has been our undisputed legal advisor and his contribution will be very welcome and necessary in the International Council. His voice is concialatory and wise. He has my support.

Submitted by AMelo on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 15:39


Ana Duarte Melo

He has been our undisputed legal advisor and his contribution will be very welcome and necessary in the International Council. His voice is concialatory and wise. He has my support.

Submitted by SJamil on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 13:51


Dr. Sadia Jamil, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

I strongly support Philip as an IC member of IAMCR. He has been serving the organization tirelessly and his presence in IC is certain essential for the further global expansion of IAMCR.

Submitted by venugopalgowda on Tue, 04/09/2024 - 00:08


Dr. Venugopal Gowda M K, Head of the Department, Post-Graduate Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Philomena`s College, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

I would like to Endorse Philip Maarek to become a member of the International Council of IAMCR.