Chris Paterson - Candidate for International Council

Chris Paterson
Professor of Global Communication, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds

On this page, you will find Chris Paterson's candidate statement, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Chris, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

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I served on the International Council from 2012 to 2016 and would be honoured to serve a further term. During that term I help to found (and later chaired) the Environmental Impact Committee; I also founded (and for many years chaired) the Media Production Analysis Working Group. I have been involved with the IAMCR since 1996. Last year I completed a term as Chair of the ICA Global Communication and Social Change Division (which includes many from IAMCR).

I have published two monographs, seven anthologies and over thirty articles and chapters. I’ve edited five special issues, with each advancing a new field; I’ve co-edited a book for the IAMCR series and I’m currently co-editing another. My current work promotes decoloniality in international communication and climate communication scholarship. I had the privilege of discussing the Association with Jim Halloran, and have worked with various IAMCR founders and leaders. I’m committed to maintaining IAMCR as a catalyst for critical and inclusive scholarship, and a resource for a new generation of internationalist scholars. Much of my work is built on productive and equitable partnership with scholars and institutions in Africa, and increasing our impact there is a priority.


Submitted by benequista on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 16:24


Nick Benequista

Chris' previous experience, his long-standing engagement with IAMCR, and his respect among so many colleagues globally makes him an ideal candidate for the council.

Submitted by JWasko on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 13:38


Janet Wasko

I fully support Chris Paterson's candidacy for IAMCR's International
Council. Chris has contributed to the organization in many ways over many years. He is an active and globally recognized researcher, and will be a welcome addition to the council. I strongly encourage you to vote for him in the upcoming election.

Submitted by JLugo-Ocando on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 18:37


Jairo Lugo-Ocando

Chris Paterson has committed all his academic life to support a better understanding of the Global South while being instrumental in opening doors and opportunities for colleagues in Africa, Asia and Latin America. I think he can create bridges and extend new pathways for IAMCR, so I support him.

Submitted by WMano on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 16:15


Winston Mano

I endorse Chris Paterson because of his unwavering commitment to justice in global communication. Throughout his research, teaching, and active participation in events, Chris consistently advocates for the rights and safety of journalists facing threats from various sources such as the military, news agencies, the environment, big tech, and foundations.

Chris's research focuses on addressing power asymmetries in international news, with a keen emphasis on analyzing communicative processes that disadvantage the global South. His dedication extends beyond academia, as evidenced by his efforts to secure scholarships for numerous students from the global South, particularly Africa, enabling them to pursue studies at the University of Leeds.

I have personally observed Chris going to great lengths to establish inclusive structures, ensuring that voices from Latin America, Africa, and Asia have equal opportunities to participate in events within our field that may have otherwise been dominated by perspectives from the global North. His commitment to inclusivity is further reflected in his teaching and research, where he actively collaborates with scholars from diverse backgrounds, fostering a culture of productive collaboration that transcends geographical divides. If given a chance Chris could further aid our efforts to bring nuance and rigour to global communication studies.

Submitted by AZoellner on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 12:47


Anna Zoellner

I endorse Chris Paterson's candidacy for the International Council due to his committment to advancing media production research. He founded the WG Media Production Analysis, providing an important intellectuial home for production researchers. His dedication to global justice is admirable and will make an important addition to the IC.

Submitted by CEdo on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 04:59


Concha Edo - Complutense University of Madrid

I am sending this message to support Chris Paterson as a member of the International Council.
His academic prestige, his experience and his work as founder and supporter of the Media Production Analysis Working Group make him a worthy candidate for the International Council.