Valentina Baú - Candidate for International Council

Valentina Baú
Western Sydney University Australia

On this page, you will find Valentina Baú's candidate statement as well as endorsements posted by IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Valentina, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in your message.

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I am a Communication for Development scholar and an IAMCR member who has maintained regular involvement with the organisation since 2013. I have contributed actively to the Association’s conferences through the coordination of a number of international panels, by reviewing abstracts and chairing sessions for different sections (Participatory Communication Research and Community Communication and Alternative Media, in particular), and in providing ad hoc support to Sections’ Chairs.

I am an experienced Board Director in the non-profit sector and serve both as an Associate Editor and an Editorial Board Member for two established Media & Communication journals. I believe that IAMCR plays an incredibly valuable role in the field of Media & Communication Studies and has been instrumental in my professional growth from a PhD candidate, to an early career researcher, up to a mid-career academic thanks to the connections and knowledge it advances. I am now eager for an opportunity to contribute to its work more directly.

I am especially interested in assisting with internationalising the organisation further, focusing particularly on expanding relationships with non-profit organisations including non-governmental actors through my work in the humanitarian/development space, and in building opportunities and networks for members to engage in interdisciplinary research.


Submitted by CMagallanes-Blanco on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:45


Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, MEXICO

I endorse Valentina's candidacy to join the International Council. I think she has a lot to offer to the organisation from her expertise and perspective.

Submitted by benequista on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 01:01


Nick Benequista

It is my pleasure to endorse Valentina for the International Council. A long-time and deeply engaged member of the IAMCR both as a scholar and as a member of the community, Valentina would be a well respected and trusted voice on the council.

Submitted by Evan de Fliert on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 06:59


Elske van de Fliert

I am pleased to endorse Valentina Baú for a position on the IC. Valentina has been an active member and is also a great networker. She would be an asset in the Council.

Submitted by ayesha.jehangir on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 20:31


Ayesha Jehangir

I am pleased to endorse Valentina for the International Council. Valentina's experience and commitment to our field make her a strong candidate who will surely enhance the Council's efforts.

Submitted by AMedrado on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 16:30


Andrea Medrado

I would like to encourage you to vote for Valentina Bau for the International Council. I worked closely with Valentina when I was co-chair of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section. Valentina is an inspiring scholar who does very socially relevant and impactful work. She is also collegial and proactive as a colleague. We were so lucky to count on her energy and talent in the CCAM section, with her chairing panels, reviewing abstracts and supporting early career colleagues and students with generosity. These qualities will make her an excellent international councillor.

Submitted by NCarpentier on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 13:16


Nico Carpentier

Valentina has been active in IAMCR for around 10 years, in particular in the PCR and CAM sections, where she contributed by convening and chairing a series of high-quality panels. In particular her focus on the integration of communication for development and peacebuilding is highly appreciated, and provides added value to IAMCR, together with her experience in the non-profit sector.

Submitted by TJacobson on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 13:09


Tom Jacobson

I support Valentina Blau's candidacy for a position on IAMCR's International Council. She has been an active contributor to a number of Sections/Working Groups over the years. And she has a substantial track record of work in fields of interest within the Association, including participatory communication and community media. Most recently she is eager to contribute to and IAMCR task force with which I have been involved, i.e. the Global Alliance for Social and Behavior Change Task Force. Her experience with non-profit organizations and as an editor will serve the Association Well. She has my vote.

Submitted by ragnedda on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 02:18


Massimo Ragnedda

I am pleased to endorse Valentina Bau for the International Council. Valentina's extensive experience and unwavering commitment to our field make her a standout candidate who will undoubtedly elevate the Council's initiatives and objectives. Her dedication to socially relevant and impactful research is truly inspiring.

Submitted by AMelo on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 10:59


Ana Duarte Melo

Valentina's Bau profile, networking with civil society and committing with participatory engagement in the association, would be an added value for the IC.

Submitted by AÓ Baoill on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 08:42


Andrew Ó Baoill

Valentina is a valued and active member of the CAM section, and will be an asset to the International Council.

Submitted by csalav on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 11:57


Cristina Sala-Valdés

I am pleased to endorse Valentina Baú for a position on the International Council. Valentina is an inspiring scholar. Her commitment to the field, her experience in the non-profit sector and know-how would be an asset to the IC.