IAMCR's sections and working groups prepared 26 Online Sessions for IAMCR 2020. Sessions were first presented at the times shown below, and remained online and accessible to all IAMCR members until 12 September.
Audience Section Panel IAMCR2020
Available here from Monday 13 July 09:00 EEST / 06:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Peter Lunt (University of Leicester)
Speakers: Peter Lunt (University of Leicester), Pere Masip (Ramon LLull University), Abdullahi Tasiu Abubakar (City University), Jānis Juzefovičs (University of Tartu) and Triin Vihalemm (University of Tartu), Bronwin Patrickson (University of South Wales) and Helen Davies (University of South Wales)
Comic Art Working Group: "Re-thinking comic art"
Available here from Tuesday 14 July 09:00 EEST / 06:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Jorge Salvador Anaya Martínez (Universidad Anáhuac)
Speakers: Luz María Peregrina Ochoa (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - FCPyS), Laura Nallely Hernández Nieto (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - IIB), Citlaly Aguilar Campos (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - FCPyS) and Jorge Salvador Anaya Martínez (Universidad Anáhuac)
Communication Policy and Technology Section: "Technology policies and data governance in time of crisis"
Available here from Wednesday 15 July 16:00 EEST / 13:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Francesca Musiani (Centre for Internet and Society, National Centre for Scientific Research)
Speakers: Jeanette Hofmann (WZB Berlin Social Science Center), Clara Iglesias Keller (WZB Berlin Social Science Center), Ksenia Ermoshina (Centre for Internet and Society, CNRS), Elmie Nekmat (National University of Singapore), Alison Gillwald (Research ICT Africa and University of Cape Town), Sam Andrey (Ryerson University) and Angela Daly (University of Strathclyde)
Community Communication and Alternative Media Section: "Dealing with crises - Community communication and alternative media experiences from the Global South"
Available here from Wednesday 15 July 20:00 EEST / 17:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Claudia Magallanes Blanco (Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla)
Speakers: India Ramakrishnan Nagarajan (Ideosync Media Combine) and Venu Arora (Ideosync Media Combine), Gizele Martins (Frente de Mobilização da Maré), Renán Martínez Casas (Manos a la obra Comunicación comunitaria antiviral), Alejandro Blanco (ReMC and Onda Color) and Isabel Lema Blanco (ReMC, CUAC FM and RICCAP, Universidade da Coruña)
Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication Working Group: "Risk, response, and resiliency in contemporary journalistic practice: synthesizing theory, pedagogy and engaged scholarship"
Available from Thursday 16 July 09:00 EEST / 06:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Virpi Salojärvi (University of Helsinki)
Speakers: Sallie Hughes (University of Miami), Silvio Waisbord (George Washington University), Fergal Quinn (University of Limerick), Richard Stupart (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Virpi Salojärvi (University of Helsinki)
Diaspora and Media Working Group: "Digital diasporas and media discourses"
Available from Tuesday 14 July 22:00 EEST / 19:00 UTC/GMT >
Chairs: Sofia Zanforlin (Federal University of Pernambuco) and Jessica Retis (University of Arizona)
Speakers: Sofia Zanforlin (Federal University of Pernambuco), Jessica Retis (University of Arizona), Tiina Räisä (University of Jyv), Leticia Gambetta (Universidad de la República), Lu Guoliang (Communication University of China), Gabriel Soares (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing) and Bianca Biadeni (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)
Digital Divide Working Group: "Digital Inequalities"
Available here from Tuesday 14 July 16:00 EEST / 13:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Anna Gladkova (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Speakers: Gerard Goggin (Nanyang Technological University), Siyu Zhou (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Miquel Rodrigo Alsina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and George Maier (London School of Economics and Political Sciences)
Emerging Scholars Network Section: "Media and the Public Good, A Global Conversation"
Available here from Monday 13 July 20:00 EEST / 17:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Sibo Chen (Ryerson University)
Speakers: Lisa Schulze (University of Salzburg), Linda Siegel (University of Salzburg), Alexander Marchenko (Saint Petersburg State University), Yan Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Wedencley Alves (UFJF), Inkyu Kang (Pennsylvania State University), An Hu (The University of Texas at Austin), Min Ou (South China University of Technology), Linda Siegel (University of Salzburg) and Lisa Schulze (University of Salzburg)
Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication Working Group: "Ethics of Society and Communication: Respect and Reciprocity"
Available here from Monday 13 July 22:00 EEST / 19:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Teresa Nicolás Gavilán (Universidad Panamericana)
Speakers: Murilo César Ramos (University of Brasilia), Fernando Oliveira Paulino (University of Brasilia), Sivaldo Pereira (University of Brasilia), Anderson Santos (Federal University of Alagoas), Nicole Lemire Garlic (Temple University), Tom Jacobson (Temple University), Ben-Hur Deméneck (State University of Ponta Grossa), Xavier Ramon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Victoria Moreno-Gil (Universidad Nebrija) and Ruth Rodriguez-Martinez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Gender and Communication Section: "Domestics, publics, pandemics: Feminist media studies in the here and now"
Available here from Tuesday 14 July 13:00 EEST / 10:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Mehita Iqani (University of the Witwatersrand)
Speakers: Xiyuan Liu (International College Beijing, UC Denver), Beatriz Polivanov (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Shani Orgad (London School of Economics), Pumla Dineo Gqola (Nelson Mandela University) and Shilpa Phadke (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)
Global Media Policy Working Group: "Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads"
Available here from Wednesday 15 July 09:00 EEST / 06:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Claudia Padovani (University of Padova)
Speakers: Alison Gillwald (Research ICT Africa) introduced by Veronique Wavre (University of St. Gallen), Maria Michalis (University of Westminster) introduced by Petros Iosifidis (City University of London), Rikke Frank Jorgensen (Danish Institute for Human Rights), Leslie Regan Shade (University of Toronto) introduced by Arne Hintz (Gardiff University) and Robin Mansell (London School of Economics) introduced by Gerard Goggin (Nanyang Technological University)
History Section: Roundtable: "Media and the Dissemination of Fear"
Available from Wednesday 15 July 18:00 EEST / 15:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Nelson Ribeiro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Speakers: Rachel Bertol (University Federal Fluminense) and Ana Paula Ribeiro (University Federal Rio de Janeiro), Marcus Breen (Boston College), Ouzi Elyada (University of Haifa), Gideon Kouts (University Paris 8) and Ruth Teer-Tomaselli (University of KwaZulu -Natal)
International Communication Section: "Cultural Diversity, International Research and Global Cordiality"
Available here from Monday 13 July 11:00 EEST / 08:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Karen Arriaza Ibarra (Complutense University of Madrid)
Speakers: Daya Thussu (Hong Kong Baptist University), Raquel Paiva (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Toussaint Nothias (University of Stanford), Viola Milton (University of South Africa), Catalina Iordache (SMIT - Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Tim Raats (SMIT - Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Andrew O'Baoill (New University of Ireland at Galway), Kateryna Kasianenko (Media researcher) and Deqiang Ji (Communication University of China)
Journalism Research and Education Section: "Tribute to Ibrahim Saleh"
Available from Wednesday 15 July 22:00 EEST / 19:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Claudia Lago (São Paulo University)
Speakers: Claudia Lago (São Paulo University), Kaarle Nordenstreng (Tampere University), Beate Josephi (University of Sydney), Sadia Jamil (Khalifa University of Science & Technology), Surbhi Dahiya (Indian Institute of Mass Communication), Sahar Talaat (Future University Egypt) and Kerry Green (University of South Australia)
Law Section: "Freedom of Expression and Universality" - Monday 13 July 18:00 EEST / 15:00 UTC/GMT
Available here from Monday 13 July 18:00 EEST / 15:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Rodrigo Cetina Presuel (Harvard University)
Speakers: Loreto Corredoira (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Chris Demaske (University of Washington, Tacoma) and Erik Ugland (Marquette University)
Media Education Research Section: "Postscripts from Quarantine. Viral Launch of The Handbook of Media Education Research"
Available here from Monday 13 July 16:00 EEST / 13:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Rucchi Jaggi (Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication - SIMC)
Speakers: Michael Hoechsmann (Lakehead University), Manisha Pathak-Shelat (MICA), Divina Frau-Meigs (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Sirkku Kotilainen (Tampere University) and Stuart, R. Poyntz (Simon Fraser University)
Media Sector Development Working Group: "Big ideas: How will Covid-19 trigger a new era of media development?"
Available here from Thursday 16 July 18:00 EEST / 15:00 UTC/GMT
Chair: Guy Berger (UNESCO)
Speakers: Audrey Gadzekpo (University of Ghana), Jairo Lugo-Ocando (Northwestern University in Qatar), Mij lastrebner (SembraMedia), Marius Dragomir (Central European University) and Tom Law (Global Forum for Media Development)
Media, Communication and Sport Section: "Diversity in media, communication and sport"
Available from Thursday 16 July 11:00 EEST / 08:00 UTC/GMT >
Chairs: Xavier Ramon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Alina Bernstein (School of Media Studies, College of Management Academic Studies - COMAS, The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University)
Speakers: Emma Pullen (Loughborough University), Daniel Jackson (Bournemouth University), Michael Silk (Bournemouth University), Kateřina Turková (Charles University), Veronika Macková (Charles University), Alice Nemcova Tejkalova (Charles University), Xinghui He (Beijing Sport University), Yuxin Ma (University of Louisville), Xue Bai (Beijing Sport University), Daniela Schaaf (University Salzburg/University Klagenfurt), Joerg-Uwe Nieland (Zeppelin University/German Sport University Cologne) and Tom Law (Global Forum for Media Development)
Media Production Analysis Working Group: "Studying Media Production in a Pandemic: Methodological Responses"
Available here Wednesday 15 July 11:00 EEST / 08:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Anna Zoellner (University of Leeds)
Speakers: Lisa Lin (University of Kent), Dongxiao Li (Tsinghua University), Sithara Venkatesh (University of Madras), Marina Budzenidze (Tbilisi State University) and Marina Kevkhishvili (Tbilisi State University) and Willemien Sanders (Utrecht University)
Participatory Communication Research Section: "Complicating Participation"
Available from Thursday 16 July 13:00 EEST / 10:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Nico Carpentier (Charles University)
Speakers: Anu Kantola (University of Helsinki), Tom Jacobson (Temple University), Nicole Lemire Garlic (Temple University), Kirill Filimonov (Uppsala University), Lauren Dyll (University of KwaZulu-Natal) and Jo Katambwe (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
Political Communication Research Section: "Political communication during the first months of the pandemic 2020"
Available here from Wednesday 15 July 13:00 EEST / 10:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Martin Echeverría (Autonomous University of Puebla)
Speakers: Yuan Zeng (University of Leeds), Emilia Palonen (Political Science, University of Helsinki), Daniel C. Hallin (University of California San Diego), and Jairo Alfonso Lugo-Ocando (Northwestern University)
Popular Culture Working Group: The Power of the Popular
Available here from Tuesday 14 July 11:00 EEST / 08:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Tonny Krijnen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Speakers: Richard Dyer (King's College London), Joke Hermes (University of Amsterdam/Hogeschool InHolland), Jan Teurlings (University of Amsterdam), Garry Whannel (University of Bedfordshire), Sofie Van Bauwel (Ghent University), Niall Brennan (Fairfield University) and Frederik Dhaenens (Ghent University)
Public Service Media Policies Working Group: "Current Issues in PSM Research: Values, Politics and Digital Innovations"
Available here from Tuesday 14 July 18:00 EEST / 15:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Alessandro D'Arma (University of Westminster)
Speakers: Marius Dragomir (Central European University), Minna Horowitz (University of Helsinki), Corinne Schweizer (University of Zurich - IKMZ), Jonathon Hutchinson (University of Sydney), Jannick Kirk Sørensen (Aalborg University) and Sabri Derinöz (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Rural Communication Working Group: "Reimagining Digital Futures for Rural Communication"
Available here from Tuesday 14 July 20:00 EEST / 17:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Rico Lie (Wageningen University)
Speakers: Grady Walker (University of Reading), Loes Witteveen (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences & Wageningen University), Sarah Cardey (University of Reading), Nyamwaya Munthali (Wageningen University), Elske van de Fliert (The University of Queensland), Vinod Pavarala (University of Hyderabad), Mario Acunzo (Food and Agriculture Organization) and Maria Stella Tirol (University of the Philippines)
Visual Culture Working Group: "Audiovisual, Imagery, Memory, Virtual Reality"
Available here from Monday 13 July 13:00 EEST / 10:00 UTC/GMT >
Chair: Denize Araujo (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná)
Speakers: Denize Araujo (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná), Aysu Arsoy (Eastern Mediterranean University), Eduardo Zilles Borba (USP - Universidade de São Paulo), Carmen Gaona Pisonero (WG Paisaje 56-Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Evelyn Runge (Cologne University), Jing Yang (Peking University) and Jenni Maenpaa (University of Helsinki)
"Flow34 - A virtual cinema"
Available here from Thursday 16 July 16:00 EEST / 13:00 UTC/GMT
Trans-SWG Video Presentations Group (with contributions from the Participatory Communication Research Section; Popular Culture Working Group; Media, Communication and Sport Section; Audience Section; Emerging Scholars Network Section and the UCF/IAMCR Research Grant). The following videos will be featured:
- An introduction to Flow34 – A virtual cinema - Nico Carpentier (Charles University)
- Bodega Memories: The Racializing Logics of the Urban Corner Store - Arlene Fernandez (University of Pennsylvania)
- Participatory evaluation and the co-construction of knowledge: A case study of an intimate partner violence intervention - Lauren Kogen (Temple University)
- “The dark in me is all that will remain”: Mainstreamed nerds and radicalized incels - Shannan Palma (Agnes Scott College)
- Industrialization and Visual Representation of Women Athletes in Socialist China: A Case Study of Cover Images in the Magazine Xin Tiyu (New sports) - He Xinghui (Beijing Sport University), Ma Yuxin (University of Louisville) and Bai Xue (Beijing Sport University)
- Why people continuously use gamified charitable crowdfunding applications in China: A mixed-method approach - Jingwen Zhou (National Chengchi University) and Trisha T.C. Lin (National Chengchi University)
- The Networked Digital Power: Capital Connections in Global ICT and Geopolitical Implications - Min Tang (University of Washington)