Tips for Online Sessions coordinators/producers

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This page provides tips and resources to help heads of S/WGs produce the one-hour Online Sessions and to transfer them to Tampere for their release according to the Conference Programme. After release they will remain online until 12 September.

The leadership of each S/WG is responsible for the production of its session. The session should have a coordinator and/or moderator appointed by the S/WG leadership, either from among themselves or from the membership at large.


Two overall formats are envisaged.

  • In the first format, 3-6 presenters will produce individual recordings to be delivered to the coordinator or moderator, who will pass them to Tampere either as such or edit them into a composite video of the individual presentations.
  • In the second format, the presenters will convene in a single video meeting, to be run as if it were a live panel with participants attending in different time zones. This format will enable interaction between the participants and the moderator.

Recording of videos

Two main formats are envisaged for the pre-recorded sessions. In the first format, 3-6 presenters will produce individual recordings to be delivered to the coordinator or moderator, who will pass them to Tampere either as such or as a composite video of the individual presentations. In the second format, the presenters will convene in a single video meeting or round table, to be run as if it were a live panel with participants attending in different time zones. This format will enable interaction between the participants and the moderator. For setting the time you may use the World Clock Meeting Planner.

The leadership of each S/WG is responsible for the production of its session – one for each S/WG which has agreed to be involved in the Online Sessions. The session should have a coordinator and/or moderator appointed by the S/WG leadership, either from among themselves or from the membership at large. In the first format the coordinator/moderator will arrange that the individual presentations are properly recorded and he/she may add a short introduction and eventually a conclusion. In the second format the moderator will coordinate the preparation with the presenters and chair the session using Zoom or other comparable means, including his/her introduction.

If you choose the second format, in which you record a single video meeting with all your presenters, you can do this with any of several platforms. Tampere University uses Zoom but if your institution provides you with access to different one feel free to use it instead, as long as it meets your needs and you are able to record in mp4 format.

In both formats the production is expected to be supported by the coordinator/moderator’s home institution. If no facilities are available, the conference organizers in Tampere may help with minimal editing. However, this assistance will be available only for a limited number of cases and not at all after June 15.

For the second format, Tampere University is prepared to host Zoom sessions by any S/WG coordinator/moderator lacking access to these licences. You will need to let us know the time when the session will take place and we shall open it, then pass the platform for you.

Please see the links below for links to examples and support resources.

Delivering your file

When your recording is ready, you may use the WeTransfer service at to send it to Tampere. Provide your email address, the recipient’s address,, and upload the video file from your computer. This service has a limit of 2 gb. For bigger files you should ask Tampere support at to request the service of Funet Filesender, which will send you a link for uploading the video.

Please name your files as follows: the three-letter abbreviation of your S/WG followed by the last name of the coordinator/moderator or, in case of an individual video, the last name of the presenter.

Links to examples and resources

Zoom has good documentation on setting up and managing meetings and webinars and on audio, video, screen sharing and recording. Much of this documentation is available in several languages. Start at to find it.

If your participants are unfamiliar with Zoom they can also go to or use this step-by-step guide provided by the Tampere team. 

An example of format 1: A session presented at this year's ICA conference made up of several individual presentations. A variety of styles are used - presentations with and without powerpoint, an interview (plus a novel use of Zoom backgrounds) With Terry Flew (QUT, Australia), Barbie Zelizer (Annenberg/UPenn, USA), Herman Wasserman (UCT, South Africa), Claes de Vreese (ASCoR, Netherlands) and chaired by Mark Deuze (UvA, Netherlands).

An example of format 2: "Beyond the Pandemic: A roundtable of Singaporean social scientists" With Cherian GEORGE, Linda LIM, Donald LOW, Kenneth Paul TAN and and TEO You Yenn.