Ideologies of the Internet

Edited by Katharine Sarikakis and Daya K. Thussu, 2006

This book includes in one volume some of the most significant debates surrounding the development, use and potential of the Internet. Twenty scholars from four continents address some of the more pertinent questions surrounding the presence and future of the Internet. These are organized into questions regarding the role of the Internet as a mediator of communicative space and process: as an object of current and future policy and as a tool for development. The debates are preceded by a discussion of the contextual positioning of the medium in terms of arts, the market, gender, and education.

The book pays attention to structural determinants of the role of the Internet in everyday life and macro level politics. At the same time, it explores the undeniably important role of resistance in all fronts, from the difference economic micro-projects can make to the power of aesthetics and tactical media. This anthology contains theoretical and empirical work on the relationship of the medium and the social, economic, and political world through a series of explorations of the national and transnational dimensions of inequality and control, but also the acts of political freedom and pursuit of social justice.

Go the the publisher's website for this book.

Title: Ideologies of the Internet
Editors: Katharine Sarikakis and Daya K. Thussu
Imprint: Hampton Press
Pages: 354 pp
ISBN: 1-57273-598-8

The above text is from the publisher's description of the book.