Edited by Sergio Sparviero, Corinna Peil and Gabriele Balbi
- Distinctive in its identification and analysis of several sites of tensions that draw attention to the inconsistencies in media convergence discourse.
- Offers a coherent perspective on the fragmented character of innovations.
- Dedicated to an understanding of media markets, contents and uses as complex realities, defined by competing forces of media convergence and deconvergence.
This edited volume explores different meanings of media convergence and deconvergence, and reconsiders them in critical and innovative ways. Its parts provide together a broad picture of opposing trends and tensions in media convergence, by underlining the relevance of this powerful idea and emphasizing the misconceptions that it has generated.
Sergio Sparviero, Corinna Peil, Gabriele Balbi and the other authors look into practices and realities of users in convergent media environments, ambiguities in the production and distribution of content, changes to the organization of media industries, the re-configuration of media markets, and the influence of policy and regulations.
Primarily addressed to scholars and students in different fields of media and communication studies, Media Convergence and Deconvergence deconstructs taken-for-granted concepts and provides alternative and fresh analyses on one of the most popular topics in contemporary media culture.
This is the sixth title in the Palgrave/IAMCR book series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research
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The first chapter of the book, "Media Convergence Meets Deconvergence", is published under a Creative Commons license and can be read online, downloaded and shared for free. Get the first chapter here
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Table of Contents
- Media Convergence Meets Deconvergence - Download this chapter as a pdf
Peil, Corinna (et al.) - Deconstructing “Media Convergence”: A Cultural History of the Buzzword, 1980s–2010s
Balbi, Gabriele - Convergence in Domestic Media Use? The Interplay of Old and New Media at Home
Müller, Kathrin Friederike (et al.) - Blurred Lines, Distinct Forces: The Evolving Practices of Italian TV Audiences in a Convergent Scenario
Barra, Luca (et al.) - Media Convergence and the Network Society: Media Logic(s), Polymedia and the Transition of the Public Sphere
Thimm, Caja - Deconstructing Audiences in Converging Media Environments
Hasebrink, Uwe (et al.) - Convergent Media Quality? Comparing the Content of Online and Offline Media in Switzerland
Eisenegger, Mark (et al.) - Transmedia Storytelling and Mega-Narration: Audiovisual Production in Converged Media Environments
Mikos, Lothar - Web 2.0: An Argument Against Convergence
Allen, Matthew - The Deconverging Convergence of the Global Communication Industries in the Twenty-First Century
Jin, Dal Yong - Deconstructing the Music Industry Ecosystem
Rogers, Jim - Is Convergence the “Killer Bug” in the Media Ecosystem? The Case of Flemish Media Policymaking 2010–2015
Bulck, Hilde - Connected TV: Conceptualizing the Fit Between Convergence and Organizational Strategy Within a Contingency Theory Framework: The Case of Germany
Murschetz, Paul Clemens - Regulatory (de) Convergence: Localism, Federalism, and Nationalism in American Telecommunications Policy
Ali, Christopher - The Triple-Network Convergence in China: Implementation and Challenges
Jiang, Fei (et al.)
The above text is from the publisher's description of the book.
Title: Media Convergence and Deconvergence
Editors: Sergio Sparviero, Corinna Peil, Gabriele Balbi
Published: 2017
Pages: 341
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 978-3-319-51288-4