Edited by Nelson Ribeiro and Christian Schwarzenegger, this is the 17th title in the Palgrave/IAMCR book series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research.
This book offers a diachronical and inter-/transmedia approach to the relationship of media and fear in a variety of geographical and cultural settings. This allows for an in-depth understanding of the media’s role in pandemics, wars and other crises, as well as in political intimidation. The book assembles chapters from a variety of authors, focusing on the relation between media and fear in the West, the Middle East, the Arab World and China. Besides its geographical and cultural diversity, the volume also takes a long-term perspective, bringing together cases from transforming media environments which span over a century. The book establishes a strong and historically persistent nexus between media and fear, which finds ever-new forms with new media but always follows similar logics.
This book:
- Discusses the role of different media in the creation and dissemination of fear
- Examines the mechanisms of persuasion that trigger willingness to accept extreme measures or actions during crises
- Argues that fear is recurrently used by political and social actors to increase their own power in different societies
Nelson Ribeiro is Associate Professor at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon, Portugal, and Chair of IAMCR's History Section.
Christian Schwarzenegger is Akademischer Rat in the Department of Media, Knowledge and Communication at the University of Augsburg, Germany, and visiting Professor at Salzburg University, Austria, and member of IAMCR.
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IAMCR members are entitled to a special 35% discount on all titles in the series. If you are a member of IAMCR, email GlobalTransformations@iamcr.org with "global transformations discount" as the subject of your message for details on how to get your discount.
Go to the publisher's website to purchase a title in the series.
Introduction: Media and Fear—Diachronic, Intermedia, and Transcultural Perspectives on a Toxic and Functional Relationship during Pandemics, Wars, and Political Crises
Nelson Ribeiro, Christian Schwarzenegger
Disseminating and Mitigating Fear During Pandemics and Disasters
From Black Death to COVID-19: The Mediated Dissemination of Fear in Pandemic Times
Anna Wagner, Doreen Reifegerste
Hebrew Popular Press, Catastrophe Stories, and the Instigation of Fear in Ottoman Palestine
Ouzi Elyada
Spreading Fear Across Borders: Journalism and Alternative Media
Fear-Relations: Word War I, Military Authorities, and the International Feminist Peace Movement
Susanne Kinnebrock
Voices for a World In-Between? Exile Media as Transnational Fulcrums Between Confidence and Fear
Christian Schwarzenegger, Gabriele Falböck
Terror, Fear, Disbelief, and Complacency in the Face of Evil: The Reactions of the Hebrew Press in Palestine to the First News on the Extermination of the European Jewry by the Nazis in 1942
Gideon Kouts
The News Media and the Ever-Present Fear in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Thomas Birkner, Aysha Agbarya, Oren Meyers, Rachel Somerstein
State-Sponsored Fear and Intimidation
Fear of the Spanish Red Danger: Anti-Communist Agitation and Mobilisation in Portugal during the Spanish Civil War
Alberto Pena-Rodríguez
Nazi Broadcasts to a Neutral Country: Disseminating Fear in Portugal during the Second World War
Nelson Ribeiro
Fear of Communism in the Twentieth-Century United States and the Vietnam War
Paul Haridakis
“Beware of Terrorists, Spies and Chaos!”: Stabilization Techniques from the Arab Uprisings
Hanan Badr
Educate Online Through Online Fear: Exploring the Chinese Rumours Online Phenomenon
Gianluigi Negro
Media Logic, Terrorism, and the Politics of Fear
David L. Altheide
The above text is from the publisher's description of the book.
Title: Media and the Dissemination of Fear: Pandemics, Wars and Political Intimidation
Editors: Nelson Ribeiro and Christian Schwarzenegger
Published: 2021
Pages: 305