Women Emancipation through Entrepreneurship: Empowerment and Social Change
The Gender and Communication Section is pleased to announce a webinar celebrating International Women's Day, titled "Women Emancipation through Entrepreneurship: Empowerment and Social Change".
Date and time: 23 March, 2024 @14.30 UTC
Organised in association with DME Media School, Delhi Metropolitan Education, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India.
We would like to encourage GEN members to participate in the webinar, and give 5-7 min presentations on the topics of your interest. Please register for the conference by 20 March using the link below, share your suggested topics, and 3-5 lines bios. You can also send your proposals to wajiharaza@fulbrightmail.org.
Please use this link to register for the webinar by 20 March. You may propose a topic for presentation and we will later notify you about the selected topics.
The link to join the webinar will be sent to all registered participants by email.
The event will be recorded and also covered in the next GEN newsletter.