Climate communication award 2022

Photo (cc) flickr user

Applications are now being received for the 2022 IAMCR New Directions for Climate Communication Research Fellowship. Initiated by the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and awarded in collaboration with the International Environmental Communication Association (IECA), the US$1,000 award seeks to encourage a wide range of researchers to think creatively about new research approaches for climate change communication. Media/communication researchers with interest in climate issues are encouraged to apply, from all fields of media/communication, and all career stages. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.

The deadline to apply is 30 April 2022.

About the Award

The New Directions for Climate Communication Research Fellowship is awarded annually as part of IAMCR's policy to green its activities. It received seed funding from a 2014 IAMCR Project Grant. IECA joined the project in 2015. From 2017 to 2021 the award was by the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia.

This fellowship will be awarded to the applicant (as sole or lead author) who presents an outstanding and innovative proposal for a research project in the area. The aim is to encourage a wide range of researchers to think creatively about new directions for research. Members of IAMCR and/or IECA with an interest in climate communication are encouraged to apply. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged, as are early career scholars.


  • Applications
  • Applicants must be IAMCR or IECA members in good standing (i.e. paid up by the submission deadline).
  • Applications should include:
    • A 200 word abstract/summary of proposal
    • A brief overview of existing relevant research
    • A research plan (including a statement on the proposal’s innovation)
    • The rationale
    • Proposed method(s) and approach(es)
    • Timeline
    • A preliminary budget (if possible with potential sources of funding)
    • Information regarding the nominees’ ability to conduct the project (e.g. recommendation, experience in project organizing, statement of abilities, or the like)
  • Applications are limited to a maximum of 2,500 words.
  • Applications must present work that has not yet (at the time of the deadline) received funding from other sources or that has been published. The work can be a portion of a larger project.
  • The fellowship recipient is expected to present results at a future IAMCR conference (by submitting to any IAMCR section). Note in your paper submission that you are an award recipient.


  • Submissions should be submitted via an online form that will be available soon.
  • Submissions must be received by 30 April 2022.
  • The 2022 award consists of a cash prize (US$ 1000) and a certificate marking the achievement.
  • Any bank transfer fees and similar administrative costs will be borne by the recipient.
  • An award will not necessarily be made and decisions will be final.
  • If the award is made the recipient will be notified by 1 June 2022.
  • Applications can only be submitted in English.

Climate Change Communication Award 2022 Selection Committee


Graham Murdock (Loughborough University, UK)


  • Kerrie Foxwell - Norton (Griffith University - Gold Coast Campus, Australia)
  • Hanna E. Morris (Annenberg School for Communication - University of Pennsylvania, United States)
  • Tawana Kupe (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • Jeremy Swartz (University of Oregon, United States)